Kiss of Hell - Home
Last Updated: May 18th, 2006

May 18th, 2006
Newest Update -
Hey Hey! Guess what story I've finally updated despite the evils of! Monster 2: Resurrection is now up to Chapter Four. Either click the link or go to Fanfictions to read it.

Also, Strong Heart is now being posted and, in old updates, I have my new story Perfection on the website up to Chapter 13 and this is the FIRST place you will be able to see new chapters of that!

Also, The Story Behind the Story has been updated with the real story of how Monster came to be about. I felt it was appropriate since now, I've begun to work on the sequel and have made a lot of progress in that area.

For more information, visit Updates.

To learn more about the contest I'm still hosting and near to completing, please click Here.

Also, I have installed a new Guestbook and a Live Chat Room.

