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Welcome to my Little World of Insanity

The cold wind rustles her black hair as her porcelain skin glows in the moonlight. Shivers crawl up and down her spine as her brown eyes stare at her reflection in the pool. Such bitter loneliness she lives in, she's forgotten how to smile and laugh. Beautiful once was she, now nothing but an empty shell. Transparent are her hopes and shattered dreams, they cast no shadows. Crying is all she can do to keep er grasp on humanity, but even that sadness is slowly slipping away. She finds herself wishing for the end. The end of her suffering and relentless torment. Cut out what's left of her heart and let the wind carry off the remains. She's awaited so long for her moment of happiness, that time seems to stand still. The blade is cold against her skin. Scars cover her body; reminders of her pain and sorrow. But this will be the last time. She's tired of waiting for something that will never come. Her final thoughts are of those fairy tale endings and how much they lie. "Where are you, my prince?" she whispers. The only response to her question is the wind. As the blood drains from her body, a quiet peace overcomes her. She is finally free.


The dark skies open up letting the cold rain fall. The drops splatter on my skin and I look up. The darkness could swallow me whole (this darkness has swallowed me whole) and as the rain falls, so does my bleeding heart. It slips through my fingers and drops. I couldnt save it. I couldnt save myself. The emptiness pains me and tears creep to the surface. Like the sky, my eyes let go and the tears become one with the rain. The taste of salt on my lips reminds me of the salt of your skin. How I yearn for it again. But your kisses set me up for a fall and fall I did - like my tears and like the rain. Dark clouds hang over me. They never leave me alone.


I hate this emptiness
that is inside of me
I wish it all away
with every breath I take
but still it's always there
Dejection is a heavy weight
that'll forever rest upon my shoulders
And evermore will a tear
run down my cheek -
a reminder of the sadness
that is a burden
You are what I need
what I crave
what I yearn
But who you are
is beyond my knowledge
Find me now, please
Save me from this debouchery
that will never cease to exist
Just love me for who I am
Never take me for granted
and I promise I'll love you forever


A modern day tale
of two star crossed lovers
An intense love
shared by both
their hearts together as one
yet seperated
their destiny controlled by the unseen
He is Romeo and she, his Juliet
So cruel is Fate to this love
They yearn for each other
So close and yet so far
The trick being that she is with another
And so he waits -
heart withering and eating away at his soul
The pain diluting and decaying his mind
A darkness and sadness
that always surrounds him
is only uplifted when memories
are shared and old doors unlocked
The past is brought back to the present
the dead resurrected to life
But as soon as reality takes its toll
he is driven back to the solitude
back to his shell where he'll wait
wait for his Juliet to return
Bleeding are their hearts for each other
Embers scattered within each other -
an old flame at rest until rekindled
But the future is yet to come
Only time will tell
when these lovers will be rejoiced
United, not by death
but by a bond surpassed
by nothing else
A love that will never die
within this modern day
Romeo and his Juliet


I should let you go
Break that bond tied so tightly around my heart
Free my soul
But I can't last a day without you
How I wish you knew
How I wish I could tell you
But no, I can't
for it will betray me
and everything I hold so tightly around me
would spill to the floor
exposing me
Then all would see
that I am nothing
A nobody
in love with a somebody


The face of an angel fallen from the heavens
is nothing but the masque
of a heartbreaking demon
Your beauty I fell for so quickly
(I didn't see the flames behind you)
Take my heart and dran my love
Burn my insides so a new one can't grow
Blacken my soul so no tears will fall
Damn the day I gave you my heart
Damn the day I placed it in your palm
Damn the day I fell in love with you
My fallen beauty
My fallen angel of death
I died the day you walked away
Your smiling eyes of malice
still live in my mind
Damn the day I gave you my heart
Damn the day I placed it in your palm
Damn the day I fell in love with you
Damn this longing I still have for you
You've forever stolen my heart
