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Brenna's Story

I remember when I was a normal seventeen year old girl, despite the fact that, I haven't been normal for around 800 years. My name is Brenna, which means little raven in Celtic, well at least it was when I was normal, but now my name changes every few months. Currently I'm Raven Addams, and I live in California, but that can change at anytime. Mostly all the myths about my kind aren't true, we don't turn to ashes in the sun, or cringe at the sight of a crucifix. In fact, I wear a small silver cross around my neck, because I like it. As for blood, I don't need it, I simply crave it. My senses have heightened since my "rebirth," I can hear a pin drop a mile away, and see the craters on the moon perfectly without a telescope.

By now, I suppose you have guessed why I'm not normal, and you're probably right. I'm a vampire, a creature of the night. Like I said, I wasn't always like this. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Let me take you back in time to that day 800 years ago when I became a vampire.

Like any normal morning, I woke up at the break of dawn, as my servants brought in my breakfast. When they left I got up, got dressed, did my hair, and ate my breakfast. When I finished, I put on my black cloak and riding boots, grabbed my paper and charcoal, and some lunch and headed out to the stables. My midnight black horse, named Kieran, which means little dark one in Celtic, was saddled and ready to go just like every morning. I put my paper, charcoal, and lunch in the saddle bag, mounted him and rode off into the dark, lush, green forest, and that was the last time I saw my home.

I rode for hours until I came to the place in the forest that I called my own. It's a small grouping of rocks and clear ground, with light streaming down, it looks absolutely beautiful, and no one knew about it but me. I dismounted Kieran, tied him to a tree and got out my paper and charcoal and started to sketch a picture of my surroundings. I was there sketching for an hour at least before I grew hungry and got up and took out my lunch and began eating it. When I finished I put the remainders in my saddle bag and went back to drawing.

Soon after I started, I heard a twig snap and the bushes rustling, and as I turned to see what was there, a man, not much older than I, stepped out of the brush smiling politely. I stared up at him smiling as he sat down beside me. He was unusually pale, and looked as though he was dead because of that. We talked for what seemed like hours, and I became strangely attracted to him.

His name was Gavin, he was in fact, the same age as me, an orphan, and was quite well off.

When it began to grow dark, I said that I had to be off for home, and he offered to let me stay at his home for the night, and send a servant to tell my parents where I was. So I accepted and went off with him to his home. When we got to his house, he led me to the stable where I unsaddled Kieran, and led him to a stall where there was hay and oats waiting for him. Then Gavin lead me up to the house and showed me around, before leading me to my room.

The room was absolutely gorgeous, it had oak furniture, and all the fabrics on the chairs and bed, where a beautiful blood red velvet. He brought me something to wear for bed, and for the next day, and went off to his room. I changed into the nightgown, and soon after a servant came in to make sure that I was ok, and brought me something to eat. When he had left I ate what the servant had brought, and then climbed up into the luxurious bed, which had a feather quilt and pillows. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows and drifted off into dreamland.

When I woke up, in the middle of the night, Gavin was sitting beside me on the side of the bed staring down at me. He acted like he was going to kiss me, but instead he bit my neck and drank my blood. I of course, tried to get away, but his hold on me was tight, and I didn't succeed. I passed out from blood loss, and woke up a few hours later, and Gavin was still there, waiting for me to wake up. He spoke softly to me, as he slit his wrist and held it up to my mouth, telling me to drink his blood.

At first I shied away from it, until I realized that he was saying that I would not live much longer unless I did drink it. At first I drank gingerly, but soon the blood tasted good to me, I had started to transform into a vampire, though I did not realize it. I became so enthralled in his blood that I wouldn't stop drinking it; he had to pry me away from his wrist. When it was out in the open, I saw that it healed in a matter of seconds. By then I was feeling odd, and suddenly my body starting to convulse as it died. Gavin's blood quickly turned me into a vampire, and I was reborn, a child of the night. He left me after that, and I dressed in the dress that he had brought me the previous night. I looked for him around the house, but was told that he had gone out and wouldn't be back until dawn.

So that's how I was changed into a vampire. I stayed with Gavin for years after that, as he taught me about the life of a vampire, and how to survive as one. I haven't seen Gavin in years, and I miss him dearly.

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