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This page is for suggestions any ideas you may have about the website,  or anything in general. Please feel free to email me and I can post your ideas.
Poetry  -  short stories  - Rants and Raves  - Suggestions  - Salutions  Dark Art  Dark Art 2
Dark Devi  -  Dark Devas  - Kashmir Rose  Gothique Magique  -  Diviana DeVour- music
Dark DevaPromotions    - Fashion  - Beauty   Mystic Vamp  - Gothic  Fetish  -  Pagan
The Devi  websites  - Photos   - Friends   -   Guest Book  - Awards   - Models  - Musicians
Artists  -  Photographers  -  Directories  -  Makeup Artists  Agencies  -  Dedications
Dark Embrace  The Dark  Deva  -  Lavender Dreams  -  Gypsy Moon  - Designers