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This is where you can leave your  complaints, likes and dislikes. I know I have alot to say about certain things that trouble me. Like two faced people, plastic people nasty rude disrespectfull people.. I for one dont tolirate it.. I have been called a bitch by some insecure , people who dont have the guts to stand up for them selves or be secure and confident with who they are.. Rather then worry about me or the next person. Thats my rant , ok now my rave I know we are not all the same  but its nice when a woman can compliment another woman and know her worth.. Its a sisterly thing. I am confident and have self estem. I know who I am, and what I want. So should all people . but we do get insecure at times I know I do. But you have to pick yopur self up and every day just learn to love your self and be kind, and supportive to everyone.
                   Kashmir Rose
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