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Welcome to Black Iris, the site is not done yet.. I dont think it's ever going to be done, like all good websites, this one is constantly under construction.... I aint tellin you it's a good one, I'm leaving that up to you to tell me. heh heh heh :P

Please find time to sign the guestbook after visiting the site.

Use the following image to e-mail me.

Some of you may rember the little banana's I used ot use to indicate a new page? Well I just got rid of that due to me being a lazy lil' bugger. ^_^ If you wanna know whats new now, your going to have a look at my updates section!!


A little about me.
Goth, or Gothic?
Roe's artworks
Bunny's works
DarkFaery's artworks
VJ's works
My Artworks
Things that suck my shnutz. (Good things)
Things that suck monkey schnutz. (Bad things)
Fun bits.... just try it!!
The all new blog....for updates and genral spraff
Wanna know whats been updated? look here.
The obligatory links page, what can I say? I'm lazy :D