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The Show > Quotes > Page 2


Killed By Death

Buffy: Yeah, but I'm still the Slayer. And as long as I am, Angel's not gonna kill anybody else.

Angelus: (behind her) Aw, c'mon. (she turns to face him) Just one more.

Xander: Visiting hours are over.

Angelus: Well, I'm pretty much family.

Xander: (trying hard to stay cool) Yeah. Why don't you come back during the day? Oh, gee, no, I guess you can't.

Angelus: (threateningly) If I decide to walk into Buffy's room, do you think for one microsecond that you could stop me?

Xander: Maybe not. Maybe that security guard couldn't either. Or those cops... or the orderlies... But I'm kinda curious to find out. You game?

Angelus: (pauses) Buffy's White Knight. You still love her. (leans in close) It must just eat you up that I got there first.

Xander: (fighting his nervousness) You're gonna die. And I'm gonna be there.

I Only Have Eyes For You

Angelus: They have no taste for the undead. Not that a sting would do me any damage, it's just... tonight's special. I wanted to look my best for you.

Buffy: (quietly) You're the only one. The only person I can talk to.

Angelus: Gosh, Buff. That's really pathetic.

Buffy: (faces him) You can't make me disappear just because you say it's over.

Angelus: Actually... (approaches her) I can. In fact... I just want you to be able to have some kind of normal life. We can never have that, don't you see?

Buffy: I don't give a *damn* about a normal life! I'm going crazy not seeing you. I think about you every minute.

Buffy: You don't care anymore, is that it?

Angelus: (sobbing) It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what I feel.

Buffy: Then tell me you don't love me!

Angelus: I don't. Now let me go. (tries to go)

Buffy: No. A person doesn't just wake up and stop loving somebody!

Buffy: Love is forever. I'm not afraid to use it, I swear! If I can't be with you...

Angelus: Oh, my God!

Buffy: Grace!

Angelus: Don't do this.

Buffy: But-but I killed you.

Angelus: It was an accident. It wasn't your fault.

Buffy: Oh, it *is* my fault. How could I...

Angelus: Shhh. I'm the one who should be sorry, James. You thought I stopped loving you. But I never did. I loved you with my last breath.

Buffy lets out a few sobs.

Angelus: Shhh... No more tears.

Angelus and Buffy kiss. They hold each other tightly as they continue kissing for a long time. Above them in the ceiling a bright light appears, and the spirits of Grace and James leave this world for the next. As quickly as it appeared the light is gone. Buffy and Angelus gently break off their kiss and open their eyes.

Buffy: (softly) Angel.

Suddenly he growls, pushes her away and runs from the room, leaving Buffy there in shock.

Becoming Pt 1

Angelus: Hello, lover. I wasn't sure you'd come.

Buffy: After your immolation-o-gram? Come on, I had to show. Shouldn't you be out destroying the world right now, pulling the sword out of Al Franken or whatever his name is?

Angelus: There's time enough. I wanted to say goodbye first. You are the one thing in this dimension I will miss.

Buffy: This is a beautiful moment we're having. Can we please fight?

Angelus: I didn't come here to fight.

Buffy: (raises her eyebrows) No?

Angelus: Gosh, I was hoping we could get back together. What do you think? Do we have a shot? (gets a look from Buffy) Alright. We'll fight.

Angelus: Maybe I'll just go home, destroy the world.

Buffy: Well, I think Mr. Pointy'll have something to say about that. Come on. Let's finish this. You and me.

Angelus: (chuckles) Y-you never learn, do you? This wasn't about you. This was never about you. (chuckles).

Becoming Pt 2

Angelus: You almost made it,


Buffy: It's not over yet.

Angelus: My boy Acathla here is about to wake up. You're going to Hell. Buffy: Save me a seat.

Angel: (softly) Buffy? (sobs) What's going on?

She just looks at him, confused but not yet ready to lower the sword. He looks around a bit and gets to his feet.

Angel: Where are we? I-I don't remember.

Finally Buffy realizes that the curse has worked, and she slowly lowers her sword.

Buffy: (softly) Angel?

Angel: (sees her wound) You're hurt.

She looks down at her wound and feels his gentle touch on her arm. She ignores her cut, looks back up at him and steps closer. He embraces her tightly.

Angel: Oh, Buffy... God.

She still isn't completely sure that it's true, but accepts the hug.

Angel: I... I feel like I haven't seen you in months.

Finally she accepts it, closes her eyes and breathes out a deep sigh.

Angel: Oh, my God, everything's so muddled. I...

He holds her even more closely.

Angel: Oh...

He sighs deeply and kisses her on the shoulder.

Angel: Oh, Buffy...

Angel: (confused) What's happening?

Buffy: (whispers reassuringly) Shh. Don't worry about it.

She brushes her fingers over his lips and across his cheek. She lays her hand on his cheek and kisses him softly. He returns the kiss, and it becomes more passionate. Behind them the vortex has grown to about five feet across and continues to get larger. Buffy breaks off the kiss and looks deeply into Angel's eyes.

Buffy: (whispers) I love you.

Angel: (whispers) I love you.

She touches his lips with her fingers again.

Buffy: Close your eyes.


Buffy: How did you find me here? Angel: If I was blind, I would see you. She lowers her hand to take his again at her waist and closes her eyes. She embraces his arms tightly to her. Buffy: Stay with me.

Angel: Forever. That's the whole point. I'll never leave. (whispering into her ear) Not even if you kill me. Buffy's expression turns from contented to dismayed.

Dead Man's Party

Buffy: I thought they'd be here.

Angel: They are. They're waiting for you.

Buffy: (looks at him) Am I dreaming?

Angel: (smiles and chuckles) I'm probably the wrong person to ask. (Buffy looks ahead again) You'd better go.

Buffy: (looks at him) I'm afraid.

Angel: (shrugs and looks at her) You should be

. He stops walking and watches her go. The school bell rings.

Faith, Hope and Trick

Buffy: I had to.

Angel's breath is shaky. He looks down at the ring in his fingers. He clenches it in his fist. Blood begins to ooze from between his fingers and drip to the floor. He looks intensely at Buffy.

Angel: I loved you.

Buffy watches aghast as the blood continues to drip. Then a bloodstain appears on his shirt at mid-chest. It grows quickly and begins to soak the front of his shirt. Buffy draws a frightened, worried breath and reaches out to his wound.

Buffy: Oh, God! Angel...

Angel: (yells) GO TO HELL!

He stares at her with intense anger in his eyes. Buffy looks up from his chest wound to his face. It has turned green, and one side is rotting. Angel smiles and laughs smugly as he looks back at her.

Angel: I did.

Cut to the mansion that night. Cut inside to the great room where Acathla stood. Buffy slowly walks in from a side door to the spot where she slew Angel. She looks down at the floor, and the tears begin to come. She slowly crouches down, and looks at her Claddagh ring.

Buffy: (quietly) Goodbye.

Gently she places the ring on the floor. She reflects for a moment before standing back up, looking at the great hall around her. She turns around and slowly starts to walk away toward the main door. The camera shows her walking from a high angle, giving a good view of the cavernous room.

Beauty and The Beast

Angel: Buffy?

He falls to his knees and holds her tightly. Buffy is surprised by this turn of events and isn't sure what to do. Angel just keeps holding her even tighter and starts to sob into her jacket.

Angel: Buffy...

She finally seems to accept that he's back and sheds a few tears. Her head and heart are too heavy with thoughts and emotions for her to speak.


. Buffy: I-it's just me. (holds out the bag) Here.

Angel takes the bag and opens it as he walks back into the room. Buffy follows him in, but keeps her distance. Angel remains faced away from her. He pulls a quart-sized clear plastic container out of the bag. It's filled with blood. Angel lifts it to his nose and sniffs.

Buffy: How are you feeling?

Angel jerks his head away slightly from the tub of blood, then lowers it to take off the lid.

Angel: It hurts... less.

Buffy: Good. She is unsure how to continue.

She turns around and takes a few steps away before facing him again.

Buffy: I haven't... told Giles and the others that... you're back.

Angel: (quietly) Giles...

He remains faced away from her.

Buffy: And I'm not going to. They wouldn't understand that you're... better. A-a-and I'm gonna keep helping you get better. It's just that everything's different now. I'm a senior. I'm really working harder in school. (smirks slightly) I'm even thinking about college. A-and I'm involved with someone.

Buffy: His name is Scott. He's a nice, solid guy. He makes me happy... and that's what I need: someone I can count on.

Band Candy

Angel: How is, uh... Scott?

Buffy: Scott? (smiles weakly and looks down) Oh, um... boyfriend Scott. Uh... (inhales deeply) A-actually, he's not... (looks up at him) He's fine. (exhales and nods)

Angel gives her a little nod. Buffy indicates the bag she left next to him.

Buffy: Uh, that's for you.

Angel reaches for it.

Buffy: Uh... I-it's fresh from the butcher.

Angel: Thanks.

Angel: You're being careful, right?

Buffy: (looks up surprised) With Scott?

Angel: The slaying.

Buffy: Oh. (smiles and exhales) Uh... Yeah. Of course. (nodding a lot) Full of carefulness.

Angel: (looks down) I worry about you. (looks at her)

Buffy: (pauses briefly) I worry about *you*. He stares down again for a moment, stroking the cushions. Angel: I'm getting stronger.

Buffy: (gives him a little smile) Yeah, pretty soon, you won't even need me.

Angel: (nods a little) That'll be better.

Buffy: (unsure how to take that) Yeah.


Buffy: People to see, demons to kill. (starts to leave) Better hurry before somebody

figures out what we're doing.

Angel: (pulls on his shirt) What are we doing? Buffy: (stops) Training. (quietly) And almost kissing.

Buffy: Sorry. It's just... (smiles weakly) old habit. (loses the smile) Bad, bad habit to be broken.

Angel: It's hard.

Buffy: It's not hard. (with resolve) Cold turkey. That's the key to quitting.

Buffy: (weakly and desperately) You think they make a patch for this?

Angel: You have to go.

Buffy: I really do.

Buffy: I'm gonna try and vent a little hormonal angst by going out there and killing a Lagos, whatever that is.

Angel faces her again upon hearing that demon's name.

Angel: Lagos?

Buffy: Some demon looking for some all-powerful thingamabob, (Angel sits, suddenly worried) and I gotta stop him before he unleashes unholy havoc, (sees his worried look) and it's another Tuesday night in Sunnydale

. Angel can't bring himself to look at her again, and so just stares off into space.

Angel: Be careful.

Buffy: Oh, God...

Angel: (confused) Buffy...

Buffy: What am I doing? (looks up at him) What are *you* doing?

Angel: (still confused) I don't know.

Buffy: Shame on you!

Lover's Walk

Angel: College, huh?

Buffy: Higher education. Kind of an intense proposition.

Angel: Where do you wanna go? (slowly comes over to her)

Buffy: (closes her brochure) I have no idea. My mom was the one that got all these. She's so excited, she can't stop talking about it. (Angel sits across from her) I had a really hard time coming up with an alibi so I could come over here.

Angel: She doesn't know about me.

Buffy: Big no. She's having enough trouble dealing with the Slayer issue. I don't think she's ready to process the information that... you and I are friends again. Anyway, I think this college jones is just a reaction to the whole Slayer thing.

Angel: She wants you to get out.

Buffy: Someplace a little less Hellmouthy. (nods) She has a point. (draws a breath) Y'know, but there are reasons to stay, too.

Angel: What are they?

Buffy: (taken aback) Um... you know, there's my Slayer duties, obviously. What do you think I should do?

Angel: As a friend, I... (stands up) I think that you should leave. (goes to the fireplace) This is a good opportunity for you.

Buffy: Yeah. It's not like there's any great thing keeping me here.

Spike: (faces them) The last time I looked in on you two, you were fighting to the death. Now you're back making googly-eyes at each other like nothing happened. Makes me want to heave. (turns away)

Buffy: I don't know what you're talking about.

Spike: Oh, yeah. You're just friends.

Angel: That's right.

Spike: (faces them) You're *not* friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. (points at his temple) Love isn't brains, children, it's blood... (clasps his chest) blood screaming inside you to work its will.

Spike: *I* may be love's bitch, but at least *I'm* man enough to admit it.

Angel: Hey. (stands up) I was wondering when you were coming. Buffy: I'm not coming back.

Buffy: We're not friends. We never were. And I can fool Giles, and I can fool my friends, but I can't fool myself. (shakes her head) Or Spike, for some reason. What I want from you I can never have. You don't need me to take care of you anymore. So I'm gonna go.

Angel: I don't accept that.

Buffy: You have to.

Angel: How can...

Angel: There's gotta be some way we can still see each other.

Buffy: There is: tell me that you don't love me.

The Wish Angel: Buffy.

Angel: Buffy Summers.

Angel: (weakly) It's you. I mean... you don't remember. How could you?

Buffy: How did you know my name?

Angel: I waited. I waited here for you. But you never... I was supposed to help you. Buffy: (huffs) You were gonna help me.

Angel: (weakly) The Master rose. He let me live... to punish me. I kept hoping maybe you'd come. My destiny.

Buffy: (huffs) Is this a get-in-my-pants thing? You guys in Sunnydale talk like I'm the Second Coming. Angel: I'm sorry. I just meant...

Buffy: (interrupts) Look, I don't have time for stories. Where's the Master?

Angel: They're at his factory. It starts tonight.

Buffy: Factory?

Angel: (tries to move) I (grunts) I can take you there.

Buffy: Oh, you gotta be *kidding* me!

Angel: Wait! I won't hurt you.

Buffy: (faces him) No. You'll leave that to your Master.

Angel: You don't believe I wanna help you? He makes a hard effort to stand up and opens his shirt to show her his wounds.

Angel: Believe I want him dead.


Buffy: So, are you shopping? (realizes how silly that sounds) You're probably not shopping.

Angel: I couldn't sleep.

Buffy: Vampires probably not that big on Christmas, now that I think about it. Angel: Not as a rule. Buffy: But you're good?

Angel: I'm, I'm alright. You?

Buffy: Yeah! (smiles) Yeah, I'm good. I, um, (looks down at the boxes she's carrying) I was just getting some Christmas gifts for the gang.

Buffy: Angel.

Angel: Huh... Buffy.

Buffy: What is it?

Angel: I gotta... I... look, I, uh, I had to see you, um...

Angel: I don't know, I... You shouldn't be...

Buffy: Just tell me what's going on.

Angel: I bet half the kids down there are already awake. Lying in their beds... sneaking downstairs... waiting for day.

Buffy: (out of breath) Angel, please. I need for you to get inside. Th- there's only a few minutes left.

Angel: I know. I can smell the sunrise long before it comes.

Buffy: (anxiously and hurried) I don't have time to explain this. You just have to trust me. That thing that was haunting you...

Angel: (interrupts) It wasn't haunting me. It was showing me.

Buffy: (confused) Showing you?

Angel: What I am.

Buffy: (insistently) Were.

Angel: And ever shall be. I wanted to know why I was back. Now I do.

Buffy: You *don't* know. Some great evil takes credit for bringing you back and you buy it? You just give up?

Angel: (harshly) I can't do it again, Buffy. I can't become a killer.

Buffy: Then fight it.

Angel: It's too hard.

Buffy: (desperately) Angel, please, you *have* to get inside.

Angel: It told me to kill you. You were in the dream. You know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again.

Buffy: I know what it told you. What does it matter?

Angel: (raises his voice) Because I wanted to! Because I want you so badly! I want to take comfort in you, and I know it'll cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care.

Angel: Look, I'm weak. I've never been anything else. It's not the demon in me that needs killing, Buffy. It's the man.

Buffy: You're weak. Everybody is. Everybody fails. Maybe this evil did bring you back, but if it did, it's because it needs you. And that means that you can hurt it.

Buffy: (pleadingly) Angel, you have the power to do real good, to make amends. (raises her voice) But if you die now, then all that you ever were was a monster.

Buffy: (begging frantically) Angel, please, the sun is coming up!

Angel: Just go. Buffy: I won't!

Angel: What, do you think this is simple? You think there's an easy answer? You can never understand what I've done! Now go!

Buffy: You are not staying here. (grabs his arm) I won't let you!

Angel: I said LEAVE!

Angel: (quietly to himself) Oh, my God...

Buffy: No! No!

. Angel: Am I a thing worth saving, huh? (shakes her) Am I a righteous man? (shakes her) The world wants me gone!

Buffy: (tearfully) What about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away... I killed you and it didn't help.

Buffy: (crying) And I hate it! I hate that it's *so* hard... and that you can hurt me *so* much. (sobs, then harshly) I know everything that you did, because you did it to me. Oh, God! I wish that I wished you dead. I don't. (whispers) I can't.

Angel: Buffy, please. Just this once... let me be strong.

Buffy: Strong is fighting! It's hard, and it's painful, and it's every day. It's what we have to do. And we can do it together.

Buffy: (resolvedly) But if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world, then I don't know what can. But do *not* expect me to watch. And *don't* expect me to mourn for you, because...


Angel: Hey.

Buffy: Hi.

Buffy: How are you?

Angel: I'm alright. I think I'm better than you right now.

Angel: I heard about this. People are talking. People are even talking to *me*.

Buffy: It's strange. People die in Sunnydale all the time. I've never seen anything like this.

Angel: They were children. Innocent. It makes a difference.

Buffy: And Mr. Sanderson from the bank had it coming? (sighs) My mom... said some things to me about being the Slayer. That it's fruitless. (shakes her head) No fruit for Buffy.

Angel: She's wrong.

Buffy: Is she? Is Sunnydale any better than when I first came here? Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back and getting stronger. Like that kid in the story, (gestures) the boy that stuck his finger in the duck. Angel: Dike.

Angel: It's another word for dam.

Buffy: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now.

Angel: Buffy, you know, I'm still figuring things out. There's a lot I don't understand. But I do know it's important to keep fighting. I learned that from you.

Buffy: But we never...

Angel: We never win.

Buffy: Not completely.

Angel: We never will. That's not why we fight. We do it 'cause there's things worth fighting for. Those kids. Their parents.

Buffy: (has an epiphany) Their parents. Angel: Look, I know it's not much. Buffy: No. No, it's a lot.


Buffy: Gotcha!

Angel: (defeated) Uhh! Right in the heart.

Buffy: (smiling) Satisfied?

Angel: I'm not sure that's the word.

Buffy: (taken aback) Okay.

Buffy: I didn't mean 'satisfied' like...

Angel: No, I, I wasn't trying to...

Buffy: (awkwardly) 'Cause we're not having satisfaction in the personal sense. Angel: Of course. (exhales)

Buffy: (smiles) I should go. (walks past him) Giles is...

Angel: (turns with her) waiting for you. (Buffy faces him) I know.

Buffy: (smiling) Thanks. For the workout.

Angel: (nods) Um, am I gonna see you this weekend? You, uh, you-you probably have plans.

Buffy: Right, birthday. Um, actually, I, I do have a thing.

Angel: Oh, a thing. (trying to be cool) A date?

Buffy: (nods) Nice attempt at casual. Actually, I do have a date. (steps closer) Older man. Very handsome. He likes it when I call him 'Daddy'.

Angel: (smiles) Huh, your father. (frowns) It is your father, right?

Buffy: He's taking me to the ice show. (Angel sighs with relief) Which should be big fun. I could use a little fun.

Buffy: (softly) Thank you. That's beautiful.

Angel: You really like it?

Buffy: Of course I do. It's sweet and thoughtful and... full of neat words to learn and say like 'wilt' and 'henceforth'.

Angel: Then why'd you seem more excited last year when you got a severed arm in a box?

Buffy: I'm sorry. Uh, it's just suddenly there's this chance that my calling's a wrong number, and... it's just freaking me out a little.

Angel: That's understandable.

Buffy: Angel, what if I have lost my power?

Angel: You lived a long time without it. You can do it again.

Buffy: I guess. But what if I can't? I've seen too much. I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it... What if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless? Or what if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the old Slayer's home, talking people's ears off about my glory days, showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed.

Angel: Buffy, you could never be helpless or boring, not even if you tried.

Buffy: Before I was the Slayer, I was... (leans on the table) Well, I, I don't wanna say shallow, but... Let's say a certain person, who will remain nameless, we'll just call her Spordelia, looked like a classical philosopher next to me. Angel, if I'm not the Slayer, what do I do? What do I have to offer? Why would you like me?

Angel: (quietly) I saw you before you became the Slayer.

Buffy: (confused) What?

Angel: I watched you, and I saw you called. It was a bright afternoon out in front of your school. You walked down the steps... and... and I loved you.

Buffy: Why?

Angel: 'Cause I could see your heart. (gets up) You held it before you for everyone to see. (walks to her) And I worried that it would be bruised or torn. And more than anything in my life I wanted to keep it safe... to warm it with my own.

Buffy: That's beautiful. Or taken literally, incredibly gross.

Angel: (grimacing) I was just thinking that, too.

The Zeppo

Buffy: (pleading) I don't know what to do.

Angel: Then let me decide for you. I can face this thing.

Buffy: (protests) You can't.

Angel: Look, I, I can at least buy you enough time for Willow's spell to bind it.

Angel: Buffy, this is worse than anything we've ever faced. It's the only way.

Buffy: (voice cracking) I can't watch you die again.

Angel: I love you.

Buffy: (takes his hand) I love you.

Angel: Nothing can change that. Not even death.

Buffy: Don't talk to me like that! *You* may be ready to go, but *I* am not ready to lose you. Okay, this is my fight, and if you won't do it my way, then you're...

Bad Girls Buffy: Hey! You're not leaving, are you?

Angel: (glances over at Faith and the boys) I saw you making friends.

Buffy: (glances dismissingly) Them?

Buffy: (faces him, smiling) Boys! I like you.

Buffy: (coyly teasing) What's the matter? You're not afraid of little me, are ya?

Angel: (seriously) We better sit down. Come on.

Buffy: (flippantly) What's the what?

Angel: Balthazar.

Buffy: (snuggles close to him) Dead demon.

Angel: Not as dead as you think.

Buffy: His amulet. It's supposed to restore his strength.

Angel: From what I'm hearing, that's not something we'd like to see happen.

Buffy: No problem. We got the amulet.

Angel: I know. I spoke to Giles, but he said you gave it to someone.

Wesley: (points accusingly) Ah. There you are.

Buffy: (mockingly) Ah. Speak of the really annoying person.

Wesley: (looks around) You're certainly giving me a run for my money. (sits next to her, whispers) I think we ought to establish that if you're going to go out slaying, you leave me a number where I can contact you.

Angel: Where's the amulet?

Wesley: Who are you?

Angel: A friend. Do you have it?

Wesley: (smugly) It's somewhere safe.

Wesley: (protests) Now, hang on a minute...

Angel: (holds it up) Walking around with this thing is like wearing a target.

Buffy: You're gonna put it somewhere safe (to Wesley) that's actually safe? Angel: (stands up) Yeah. I'll do it now.

Buffy: (stands also) I'll do some recon on Balthazar.

Wesley: (joins them in standing) (incredulously) If I may... Balthazar is dead. Am I the only one that remembers that?

They ignore him. Angel leans over and gives Buffy a kiss.

Angel: Be careful.

Buffy: You know me.

Angel: (sternly) I mean it.
