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Women Three Times More Violent;
Researchers received death threats
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It is becoming increasingly clear that women are just as violent as men.
For example, in 1999 a Justice Department report supported data from 1980 which showed that wives hit their husbands at least as often as husbands hit their wives.
The liberal Mother Jones magazine reported the story this way: "A surprising fact has turned up in the grimly familiar world of domestic violence: Women report using violence in their relationships more often than men. This is not a crack by some antifeminist cad; the information will soon be published by the Justice Department…"
The study was by Terrie Moffitt, a University of Wisconsin psychology professor. When it was first released, it was so controversial that some of the researchers received death threats.
Mother Jones reported, "In light of the persistence of domestic violence, researchers are beginning to consider a broader range of data, including the possible significance of women's violence. This willingness to pay attention to what was once considered reactionary nonsense signals a fundamental conceptual shift in how domestic violence is being studied."
Women Three Times More Violent A 1999 study in Canada shows that women are just as violent to their spouses and almost three times more likely to initiate violence in a relationship.

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