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Master Cleanse
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Day 7
Mood:  smelly
We drank the Senna tea last night and added a little rose hips for taste and vitamin c (like we aren't getting enough with the lemonade). I slept pretty good last night, just had an odd dream. Got up and made Marty some peppermint tea to sniff on , he had a headache. I am glad we were able to do the salt water thing first thing this morning after drinking the tea last night. I wish I could do it every morning, but with my schedule that would have me getting up at 15 to 5 every morning and hoping I was done by 715 or 730. It's hard to believe that I have been doing this for 7 days now. Both of our senses of smell have gotten very keen. We can smell the cat, the shisha from the hookha, ourselves, and which of our neighbors smoke in their apartments; it's crazy cool.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:50 PM MDT
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Day 6
Mood:  irritated
Morning started out fine, had a lemonade at work and another at home. We went out seasonal shopping to pass the time. On the way home the solid food craving hit. Curbed that really quick with some more lemonade as not to make ourselves sick. We have four days left and we are missing food. The entry way to the apartment building smelled of pizza and bread sticks. That was traumatic. I could go for a pizza right now, but what Marty and I really want is sushi. Fish and rice. We will be having that for dinner next weekend. Nothing exciting is going on, except Marty having a foam like substance along with his moves. Curious. We have been drinking the tea one night and then doing the salt water the next. It seems to be working out well considering our schedules. We are going for a walk tonight, that is a healthy way to pass the time. See ya tomorrow.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Day 5
Mood:  lazy
Here it is day 5...still on the fast. I am hungry, well atleast my stomach thinks I am. It's keeps growling at me. Not loudly, but I can feel it. Anyway, I just drink some lemonade and ignore it. I think Marty upped the cayenne pepper in this a little on the spicy side, but still tasty. I have lost 5 pounds and am noticing fat loss around key areas. This is good.

I am home from work and very tired. I have a bit of a headache, but I am sure its because of the low pressure system moving in. I was cramped a little this morning and am still having solids in the moves. I have 5 days left. It would be nice to go out to dinner tonight, but of course that can't happen...I don't need to get sick after not eating for 5 days. Anyhoo, I am looking forward to sushi next weekend.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Day 4
Mood:  hungry
After finding out that we are supposed to using 2 tsp instead of 2 Tbsp, things should settle down in the salt water icky dept. Anyway, I have finish one bottle so far and am working on my second. I am feeling pretty good today. Have a tad of a headache, but I know it's from the detox. I slept really well last night and am looking forward to finish this cleanse. I am considering staying on it a little longer, but I dunno yet. Marty and I went for a walk last night and it felt good. I have pool league tonight and am still not sure if I want to go. Marty is in Sioux Falls for the night and I don't really want to be in a smoke filled bar tonight. I quit smoking 3 weeks ago and that so much the issue, it's more the fact that I am cleansing myself and don't want to deal with the smoke. We'll see when I get off work. Marty already called and said we gonna make it, but that could change. Anyhoo, I am still moving bits of solid through my body...nothing of much though. I am thinking about upping the pepper content in the lemonade. Each day the lemonade tastes better.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Day 3
Today went well considering. I am still getting over my sinus issues. I drank 3 bottles of lemonade and one bottle of water. I was feeling kinda weird late this afternoon. I am assuming it is because of the detox. I am sticking to my guns though. I took a nap and then drank my last bottle of lemonade. Marty and I went for a walk and that helped a lot. Now it is time for the salt water...ICK! I can't imagine what else is in my intestines that can come out! I am waiting for the mucus part...that wont be pleasant, but it will tell the end of the cleanse is coming. Marty found out that there are a lot of people in Rapid doing the cleanse. We had to stock up on lemons and maple syrup again. I am still craving tomatoes and other veggies. I even looked at some recipes today and will be getting things ready for next week. I don't have an urge to break the cleanse, just missing the veggies.

Funny thing-

Just realized, after the second dose, Marty had been using 2 Tbsp instead of 2 tsp of salt in the salt water crap. No wonder it was so damn difficult to drink! Oops.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Day 2
Mood:  a-ok
Today was a little difficult. I had a craving for tomatoes. One would think with as much lemon juice as I have been drinking, the citric acid craving would vanish. I didn't give in. I only drank 48 oz of lemonade and drank the salt water concoction. I wasn't able to get through the full 32 oz. Within about an hour it was time to hit the litter box and boy was that weird. I feel pretty good.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Day 1
Mood:  a-ok
Just another day without food...there have been many occasions that I have gone an entire day without eating anything. Last night I started with the laxative tea (Senna). It didn't taste bad at all and went down quite easily. Monday morning was the usual, get up and go to work. Marty prepared the lemonade for us. I came home at lunch and had my first session from the tea. Went back to work, drank 3 bottles of lemonade throughout the day (total of 72 oz). We purchases a PUR water filter deal for the sink, so we wouldn't have to worry about buying water all the time. I had one hell of a sinus headache and was almost in tears because of the pain. Not able to take anything for it and in too much pain to sleep, I resorted to sitting in a hot shower and sniffing peppermint tea bags...that did the trick.

Posted by vamp/atrophy_annie at 12:01 AM MDT
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