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Welcome My Children To Santuary

Santuary is home to the Family/Clan Va'Mont, which every you perfer to call them. Before we go further, You should know a few things. The Family, is connected through blood, or adoptions. The dolls, the Vampires, Kindred, Mortals and genetically altered are alike in that they are family.

Sanctuary is just that, its a safe Haven, it moves around, appearing when it is needed most and dissapearing, when it is not. It is rare anyone will know where it will turn up next. For now, it resides in Rio De Jeniro. In the homes of the Angels, Fallen and Blessed alike.

For reasons of safety, ONLY Mortals can find Sanctuary. If You are Immortal, or have special abilities of ANY Kind, You can NOT Find Sanctuary, no matter how hard You try. Its heavily Glimmored and Tresspassers, if you can make it past all the spells, will be killed on sight unless they have a good reason for being there.

On that note, You can also, NOT appear or dissapear inside the grounds of the home, (Rifting, teleportation, ect) unless you are a guest, a friend or family.

Now that that is all out of the way, time for the fun part.

Santuary is set on a lush green peice of gigantic property. About the size of three professional Golf courses, Santuary sports a large home with over two hundred rooms, hidden and shown alike, Fifteen offices, One library, three kitchens, two pools, a tennis court, a stable and riding padock as well as many other aminites. There are naturally sections that are reserved for the family alone, but most of those you wouldnt find anyways. Guests are always welcome, come in peace, and you shall find your way out just fine, however, come with the thought of harming a guest, doll, Family member or friend alike, and rest assured you shall find death.