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Angel Season Two Episode Guide


Things are going well for Angel Investigations, even though their offices were blown up. They now work from Cordelia's apartment. Cordelia has a vision of a nasty looking demon. Angel finds it and kills it, only to find out that the demon was on his side, and was protecting a pregnant woman. Now the protection was Angel's job. But he couldn't do it without knowing where the woman went. He sings karoke to find out by an Anagogic demon. He tells him all he can. Angel finds out that the woman has to face a trial, by fighting to the death. The demon that Angel killed was going to represent the woman in the fight but since he's dead Angel steps in and kills him. Angel re-gains his confidence in becoming human...some day. The episode ends with Angel meeting Faith in jail and each other chatting about their days.

Are You Now or Have You Ever Been

Wesley and Cordelia are assigned to research the strange past of the abandoned Hyperion Hotel by Angel. We learn Angel stayed there in 1952 and was involved in a suicide cover-up that a paranoia demon tried to get everyone to blame each other for. Although Angel tried to help a young girl on the run from the law, she ended up pointing the finger for the death at him and the people at the hotel tried to kill him. Angel then fled. In the present Angel returns with Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn to slay the demon. After they do Angel finds the woman still in the hotel 48 years later, kept there by the demon to feed off her guilt for killing Angel. Angel forgives the woman and she dies in peace. Angel announces Angel Investigations is moving in the hotel.

First Impressions

Angel Investigations is moving into the Hyperion Hotel, but they need financial advice. This brings their former client David Nabbit calling with advice, which helps out. Gunn enlists the help of Angel Investigations in ousting the demon Deevak who has moved into his neighborhood and is taking over the local crime. After an unsuccessful attempt to get information from an informant, the group go home, only to have Cordelia have a vision of Gunn in trouble. She is unable to contact Wesley or Angel, so she takes Angel's car to save Gunn by herself. When she arrives at Gunn's place he seems fine and the car gets stolen. Gunn helps her recover the car, but falls into a trap set by Deevak, who it ends up is the informant. Angel and Wesley catch up in time to help Gunn defeat Deevak and his vampire minions, but Cordelia now understands that the danger to Gunn wasn't the demon, but Gunn himself. He keeps taking unnecessary risks and is going to get himself killed, so she swears to watch out for him, despite his objections. Meanwhile Angel gets reoccurring romantic dreams sent by Darla to seduce him back to her.


As Darla continues her secret visits to Angel's bed Cordelia gets a vision of a young woman in trouble. Angel runs to her rescue only to discover the men who attacked her in an alley crushed by a dumpster. He finds the girl but quickly learns she's terribly frightened and highly telekinetic! He gives her his card and tells her to contact him if she needs help. We learn the girl, Bethany, is staying with Lilah Morgan of Wolfram & Hart, who plan to use her as an assassin. After some bad dreams Bethany visits the Angel Investigations headquarters and Wesley is able to deduce she was abused by her father as a child. Angel, with the help of newly hired Charles Gunn, learn about Lilah's involvement and discovers that Lilah actually hired the men to attack Bethany to help bring out her powers. After Angel starts to reach Bethany Lilah pulls her trump card out and sends the girl's father to bring her to Wolfram & Hart, but Bethany resists him and comes close to killing him, but doesn't. Angel helps Bethany move out of Lilah's apartment and sets her up outside Wolfram & Hart's reach.

Dear Boy

he wakes and Cordelia has a vision. The vision leads the A - Team to a used to be convent, now a water tank area to dispose of a moldy demon. Team work gets thrown out of the window and Angel pummels a man for the duration of the battle. Gunn begins to worry. On his way home Angel sees Darla on the streets of LA. He tries to keep up with her but loses him in the crowd. The next day on a job he sees Darla in a hotel. He follows her, but she is adamant in saying that she's not Darla. Then she runs into the sunlight to her husband. The truth is that it is Darla, sharing tricks with Wolfram & Hart. Angel sets out to find Darla. She sets a trap for him, to make him look like a murderer. Kate comes looking after him, after an anonymous tip off about his new work place. They search it and Kate meets the new person to the team, Gunn. Meanwhile Angel has kidnapped Darla, and they're in the old convent. Darla and Angel have their own off down there, and when it comes to daylight Darla's gone. In the morning Cordelia and Wesley go to see Angel....war is on...

Guise Will be Guise

Angel makes a sojourn to ask a swami about his obsession with Darla. Since Angel's out of town, Wesley poses as the benevolent vampire when a powerful businessman demands Angel's services to protect his daughter. Angel gets in touch with his inner selves during a visit to the swami, but not everything's Zen. Angel discovers the swami he's been with is a fake who killed the real one and was sent to keep him busy. After romancing the daughter, Wesley is discovered to not be Angel and is thrown out. Angel, Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia meet and figure out the businessman is setting up his daughter as a human sacrifice to a demon for increased power and go to save her, but when they break into his home the ceremony is already underway. The demon ends up rejecting the sacrifice because she is ''impure'' and the father is shocked to learn his daughter isn't a virgin. She not only slept with Wesley but several other people who worked for her father in the last few years. The daughter leaves her father and Wesley gets the job of protecting her and gets a moment of fame in the newspapers as a celebrity bodyguard.


Darla begins to have doubts on who she actually is, with the return of her soul. The only person she can turn to is Angel, he's the only person who went through the same thing. And this begins our trip down memory lane. We see The Master, Darla's sire. The first time they met human Darla was dying of a disease and The Master saved her, turned her into a vampire. Back to the future Darla calls Angel seeking his help, and Angel jumps to it. Back then Angelus is introduced to The Master, and they don't become the best of buds. Darla is forced to choose between The Master and Angelus. She chooses Angelus. After Angelus sired Drusilla she too looks for a play mate, and chooses none other that William, or better known as Spike. Together they rampage around the world until Angelus is cursed with a soul and Darla casts him away. Angelus finds Darla in the Boxer rebellion in 1900, and tries to convince her that he's still a vampire, and that he still can kill. She takes him on again, and the group is whole. But she figures out that he really isn't who he said he was and is cast out again, and so the group falls apart. Drusilla and Spike go there way and Darla goes hers. Back in in present time Angel's found Darla and has taken her back to Angel Investigations. She wants Angel to turn her back into a vampire, so she doesn't have to live with a soul any more. Angel refuses and Darla is the one that is cast away.

The Shroud of Rahmon

A story told by Wesley as he's being interrogated by police: When Gunn's cousin Lester falls in with a group of supernatural thieves Gunn and Angel take the place of Lester and a flamboyant vampire named Jay-Don in the group. They quickly fall in to a plan to rob a museum of the Shroud of Rahmon. Wesley discovers the shroud is reputed to hold the power of a demon who could cause madness, and fears Angel and the other could be effected by it. He is too late as chaos ensues during the robbery. Gunn and Angel begin fighting, and arguing. All the demons in the heist begin to act crazy. Wesley and Cordelia go to find Angel and Gunn, but they too are driven slightly insane by the power of the shroud. Kate learns information leading to her checking out the museum and tries to stop Angel, but when she is overpowered the only recourse is for Angel to drain Kate slightly faking her death. While this is going on Angel tells her to lay low. Wesley is discovered over her body and arrested. Back at the thieves hideout madness firmly grips the gang and they fight over the shroud. In a moment of clarity Angel is able to burn the shroud and save the day. Kate, recovered from her blood loss, lets Wesley go. The episode ends with Angel remembering that blood lust he felt when feeding off Kate, momentarily.

The Trial

Darla has run from Angel and Wolfram and Hart, staying in an LA motel. Angel acts as if he's forgotten about it all, but really he hadn't. He had Gunn look around for her and he found her. But Wolfram and Hart got there first. They told her about the disease she was dying of before she was a vampire, it had returned, and she has about 2months of life left. This totally startled Darla, not wanting to die, and tries to go out and get herself made into a vampire. But it doesn't work. Darla tells Angel that she's dying and Angel is just as distraught. He takes her to Caritas. There Darla sang, and The Host tells Angel to go to a certain address. Angel and Darla both go, and Angel dives into an empty pool. Him and Darla are both transported to another place. Angel learns from the "butler" down there that he has to perform 3 tasks in order to save Darla's life. He is not to have his shirt or his shoes/socks. The first he has to fight a demon, which can put it's self together. During the fight Darla is lifted elsewhere. She asks to know what's going on, and she is, she feels everything Angel feels. Angel passes the first test. The next he has to walk over crosses, plunge his hand into holy water to get a key to escape from that place. Which he does so, limping away. The next is a test of whether he's actually going to go through it, stakes. A barrage of sakes are launched at Angel, nothing happens, he's whisked away back to Darla. The "butler" presumes giving Darla her life, but he can't as this is her second chance. Back at the motel Darla decides not to be a vampire, but to die a human. Suddenly Lindsey busts in, with some help, ties Angel up. Drusilla walks in and feeds off Darla and makes her a vampire, all Angel can do is watch....


The episode starts off right after the ending of the last episode. Gunn managed to find Angel and takes him back to the hotel. Angel's is totally delirious after what has just happen. He tells the gang about Drusilla being there too. Angel makes it his plan that he has to stake Darla before she rises as a vampire. Drusilla has Darla buried in a nursery, ready for her rising. Angel's there too. He enters the nursery with stake in hand ready to do the deed, but Drusilla stops him with a spade to the back, repeatedly. While Angel and Drusilla fight Darla rises. She seems some what angry at both Angel and Drusilla and so picks a fight with both of them. Darla then jumps off the top of the building leaving Angel and Drusilla on the hunt for her. A confused Darla manages to get her way to Wolfram & Hart where Drusilla is too, they both go out on their killing spree, but first the girls have to shop a little. Angel, Gunn, Cordelia and Wesley all set out to find Darla. On the way Cordelia has a vision. So they turn around to help the helpless, but Angel is far from helpful. He storms out on the search for Darla. He goes to Wolfram and Hart, smashes through the window. After a few words from Holland and Lindsey he gets s police escort out of the building into Kate's car. Kate lets Angel go to help find Drusilla and Darla and to stop them. Drusilla and Darla have found their way to Holland's wine tasting party, and they start wanting their massacre. Angel turns up, but he just walks away from it all. Back at the hotel Angel tells the rest of the gang what he did, they disapprove. So Angel fires them all...


Angel's fired staff seem some what disappointed and surprised at Angel's actions, however they each go their own separate ways. Angel undergoes a complete de - toxing, he burns all of Darla's pictures which he drew, before he undergoes his extreme physical and mental training to become strong enough to fight both Darla and Drusilla. Meanwhile two lawyers survived the D+D massacre, Lindsey and Lilah. They now know that they are going to be the prime suspects. And on the other side of things, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn all find themselves at Caritas, and after a few drinks they're all singing. But The Host doesn't say what's to come for them, as they're interrupted by Cordelia having a vision. During Angel's training he fights off vampires, and tries to make their deaths as horrible as possible, to release his dark side, so he can fight Darla and Drusilla. The rest of the gang have managed to find the place of where to save the girl. The demon attacks Gunn and Wesley while Cordelia tries to get the girl out of there. Wesley gets bit and Gunn shoves a wooden stick through the demon's head. At Wolfram & Hart Lilah tries to stitch Lindsey up with the massacre, but he doesn't fall for it. Darla and Drusilla are roaming around town to recruit an army of strong, fighting machine demons. At one advert of Drusilla and Darla's recruitment agency Drusilla feels Angel in the crowd, he was there. Darla calls out his name and Angel leaves. Angel then realises he really isn't ready to face off with Drusilla and Darla. So he does the next best thing. He finds the place where all the demons are at, kills at least a dozen of them, getting quite battered in the process. When Drusilla and Darla come by, he light a match to a trail of fuel. Which sends Drusilla and Darla running outside to the nearest hydrant where they site. Angel continues his training for the war.

Blood Money

Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia seem to be coping fine without Angel, still managing to fight the forces of evil. Meanwhile Angel is off to tackle a familiar foe, Wolfram & Hart. He finds out that a young woman called Anne has been having help, money wise, from Wolfram & Hart. And so Angel joins in. Anne is having money help from Wolfram & Hart with a charity ball, in aid to help her shelter which Anne owns for runaways. Meanwhile an old "friend" from Angel's past has re-emerge. With the help from Merl, Boone is able to track down Angel to Wolfram & Hart. From there he has the help of a certain two lawyers to help find Angel, and kill him. Angel finds out a plan that will turn the tables on Wolfram & Hart. They plan to take the majority of the money raised by the ball, and say it's to pay for extra expenses. Anne doesn't seem to believe him. Angel has a run in with Lilah, and implies that he has proof on what their plans are. It turns out that Boone was actually more on Angel's side than the lawyers side. With Boone's help Angel is able to get into the ball and make it look like he has proof, but it was just a hoax. But two lawyers were made a fool on camera 2. Boone turned up at the hotel, and wanted to see who the better fighter was, an it was Angel. With the money Boone stole from the ball, Angel took it to Anne, and she took it with open arms. Also revelaed at the end f the episode is that Angel has a key role in the Apocalypse, but on which side...

Happy Anniversary

The Host goes to Angel with some bad news, the end of the world is coming and a champion is needed to stop this. That's where Angel comes into things. Meanwhile the rest of the gang have got a new base for an Angel-less Angel Investigations. But it isn't going too well, until Virginia comes with a client who needs some help. On the Angel front of things, him and The Host are going around LA to see if they can spot the guy who went in Caritas, singing kareokoe. He didn't seem to have a future beyond 10:30pm the next night. The finally narrow the chase down to the college where Angel and The Host. There they go and check out the yearbook and to see if The Host can spot him. The guy who's at then end of this chase is a physicist who's trying to stop time, and freeze it in a bubble kinda thing. Unfortunately he can't seem to get the formula correct. But with the help of the lubber demons the correct formula is got. Meanwhile Gene, the physicist, has heard that his year long girlfriend wants to break up with him, on the anniversary night. But he wants them to be together forever, and that's his plan. He plans to trap them in time and so together forever. But he doesn't know about the lubber demons who want the bubble to entrap the whole world. Angel and The Host have a heart to heart talk in the car, where Angel tells him he feels he's never going to get redemption, because of Darla, and so now he's out for blood revenge. Angel and The Host manage to get to the demons in time, just before the bubble expands too much. Angel and Gene and The Host talk over what's happened and everything's sorted. For Cordelia, Gunn and Wesley, they've sorted out their first case and now have another one.

The Thin Dead Line

The LA gang, without Angel, seem to be coping well in their new office and situation. One client comes in with her daughter, who was bit by a demon after which an eye appeared in the back of her head. Meanwhile some youths in the LA area have been harassed by cops, no questions just sever beatings. They go to Anne's shelter asking for help, but she doesn't know what to do, and so goes to Angel Investigations. There she meets up with Gunn, whom she seems to have known quite a while. From there she tells them of what's been going on, and also lets slip that she was kind of helped by Angel. Which puts the gangs hopes up, that he's not turning to the dark side. But she then tells them it was only to "screw" a law firm, and their hopes and dropped like a brick. Gunn and Anne go back to the shelter, watched from the roofs by Angel. At the shelter Gunn questions the youths, and outside Angel is pummeled by one of the renegade cops, who carries on talking after his head is removed. It was a zombie. Angel goes to Kate and they find out that the cop was from a different precinct and dead. Meanwhile Gunn got some of his family together and they head out to the streets planning on filing the cops while they do their work. Things go terribly wrong. They do meet up with a cop, as the cop is about to do some serious damage Wesley comes tearing around the corner to try and stop him, but gets shot. Gunn and his guys try and get Wesley to safety but he's losing blood fast. After calling the ambulance it arrives...but some cops show up too. But Gunn manages to get them out of the situation. Meanwhile Angel and Kate have tracked down the captain of the precinct in question, and he's been dealt with by Angel. They were zombies, to try and keep the streets clean of thefts, murders, rapes etc., as that precinct wasn't doing too well. At the police station Angel hears about Wesley and goes to the hospital. While there he sees Cordelia, who isn't too happy seeing him there and so he leaves.


Angel is getting even more suspicious about Wolfram & Hart (if that's possible). There have been a string of sacrifices etc. After Angel investigates it slightly more he links it to Wolfram & Hart. He tries to go to Kate for some help but she turns him down as the captain of the precinct who controlled the zombie cops is filing against her. Angel goes it alone. Lilah seems to be panicking about a review which is set to happen at Wolfram & Hart pretty soon, and it's not the reviwe they're afraid of but the reviewer. Darla has been hiding out at Lindsey's, he supplies her with all the blood she needs and he leaves all of his paper work around so Darla can go do some chaos. Meanwhile the rest of the gang are too having problems. The woman who had a child with an eye in her head is not paying, as her husband thought it was a scam. Angel goes it alone in the research area, but since most books are with the rest of Angel Investigations he pays them a visit, not a happy one. After which he goes to The Host who tells him of some things which he heard and saw. Wesley and Virginia have a talk, after Wesley spit a few stitches over Angel. And Virginia breaks up with Wesley. Angel then pays Denver a visit, the guy who helped Angel out with the Thesulac demon. From there Angel gets the equipment he needs to kill the Kleynach demon. But Darla is also there, after reading Lindsey's papers. She stabs Denver and Angel with a sword and takes the glove needed to kill the Kleynach demon. Kate hasn't faired to well, she's been fired and mixing drinks with drugs. Angel gets his way into Wolfram & Hart with Lilah's help. There he uncovers Darla with the glove just as the Kleynach demon is arriving. After a Darla and Angel fight, Angel grabs the glove and puts it own. Jumps over to the demon and kills it. And he goes flying through the window, lands on the floor with a huge thump. There he puts on the ring that will let him jump into a different dimension, Hell. He puts it on a an elevator appears with a dead Holland Manners inside it. Angel enters the lift...going to Hell. But on the end of the trip he's still in LA. Holland tells him that evil is everywhere. From there Angel has no feeling. Back at the hotel he was followed by Darla, and in Angel current physical and mental state he and Darla have a night of blind passion the make love....Angel wakes in the middle of the night with a blinding pain....


After a night of blind passion with Darla, Angel has an epiphany. And realises what he's been doing the past months has all been totally wrong. He thanks Darla for saving him, when he couldn't do the same for her. He then remembers the phone call from Kate and rushes to her aid. Angel charges in through the door to find her lying motionless on the floor surrounded by pills and drink. Angel brings her back to life with the help of a shower, after which Kate doesn't sound too happy and sends him out of her apartment. Angel wanting to find out more abut why what just happened to him, he goes to The Host. There The Host explains as much as he can, and also tells him that it's going to be much harder to try and get back together with his crew...considering they could be dead that night. Cordelia has made her way to the Sharpes' home and there she finds the entire family dead and a Skilosh demon waiting for her. Angel finds his way to Wesley's apartment where he faces the Skilosh demons. Obviously Wesley is grateful for Angel's help, but not so in the other sense. Together they head towards the new Angel Investigations offices in search for Cordelia. They don't find her. Gunn soon arrives and they find out where Cordelia is and head off in the same direction, with Angel driving. Meanwhile due to the loss of two Skilosh demons the head Skilosh demons impregnated Cordelia's cranium with another spawn. Angel, Gunn and Wesley come across the rest of the Skilosh tribe on the way to Cordelia. Angel volunteers to take them out while Gunn and Wesley get to Cordelia. But as Angel is about to take on the demons he is run down by a truck, with Lindsey as the driver. Lindsey continues to pound Angel to the ground with his truck, followed by a sledge hammer. As Lindsey tries to get to his stake Angel pounds him into a bit of a pulp and then rushes off to the rest of the crew in Lindsey's truck. Unfortunately Gunn and Wesley's attempt at saving Cordelia didn't go too well and they ended up almost being the next spawn hatchers. But Angel drives straight into the house, launching the lead demon through the back door. Angel deals with the demons while Gunn and Wesley get the third eye out of Cordelia. Back at the hotel Angel and Kate talk about what just happened, and Kate comes to terms about no being a cop realising that the powers are in control considering she didn't invite Angel in earlier. Angel goes back to the crew's offices to apologies and rather them working for him he wants to work for them. After a short vision from Cordelia they agree, the gang is back.


The gang are reunited, but not without some hiccups along the way. Angel finds out he still has a long way to go when it comes to Cordelia, she was the most hurt by his temporary dark side. Angel begins to get accustomed to him being the employee and not the employer. The gang soon get their first vision back at the hotel which sends Gunn, Wesley and Angel off to investigate. Meanwhile Angel tries to make things up to Cordelia by giving her the night off. As Cordelia leaves the building she bumps into her old friend, Harmony, unknown to her that Harmony is actually a vampire now. Together they head back to Cordelia's apartment to catch up. Meanwhile the rest of the team save the woman a vampire was attempting to attack. They find a logo on the robe which he was wearing and return to the offices for some research. Back at Cordelia's apartment Harmony and Cordelia are having a blast. During the night Harmony creeps into Cordelia's bedroom wanting to feed off her, but Dennis slams the door and wakes Cordelia up. Cordelia then gets the impression that Harmony's a lesbian. So the next day Cordelia phones Willow to tell her, but Willow re-informs her and tells her that Harmony is actually a vampire. The phone quickly hangs up and a worried Willow phones Angel, and together Angel and Wesley go over to Cordelia's with weapons aplenty. But they find out that Cordelia's not getting dead by Harmony's hand and an unwilling Wesley take her back to the offices, where she proceeds to drive Wesley quite insane. Gunn gets acquainted with Harmony too. They soon find out who the logo is and what it's about. Cordelia gets Harmony out of everyone's hair but taking her to Caritas, and Angel, Gunn and Wesley try to find out more. Soon the gang and Harmony take to the road to find the place where all the vampire lectures are going on. Harmony goes in as an undercover vamp, to help the A-Team. But ends up betraying them, and the four are fighting every single vampire there. Cordelia and Harmony fight it off, but Cordelia decides to let her go with her life. Angel really wants to make it up to Cordelia, and he finds out how....bought her a ton of clothes, to Wesley's disapproval.

Dead End

Cordelia' has a vision of a perfectly normal man stabbing himself in the eye repeatedly. This vision has shaken her up more than ever and the gang are getting worried about the visions taking their toll on her. Meanwhile Lindsey and Lilah are getting an evaluation, to see who is going to be promoted in the upcoming weeks. Lilah feels insecure, knowing that Lindsey is the popular favourite, and even more suspicious when Lindsey gets an all expenses paid new hand, courtesy on Wolfram & Hart. Meanwhile the gang are getting any luckier with finding the guy from Cordelia's vision. Wesley thinks that the visions were originally meant for Doyle, who was half demon, and that since Cordelia is fully human she can't take the full brunt of the visions. Meanwhile Lindsey has his own problems with his new hand. While at a meeting with Lilah and a client Lindsey's hand can't stop writing the word kill on his notebook. Worried he goes to the only place he can think of, Caritas. The gang, also having not much more luck in the detecting part of their work, they head over to Caritas to get Angel to sing. There the singing Lindsey meets a shocked Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn, who are all amazed at his musical talent. Angel on the other hand is not so amazed. Both Lindsey and Angel learn that on this case they have to work together to find out where Lindsey's hand is from and why that man killed himself. But they don't learn this instantly. After some snooping around, late at night, at Wolfram & Hart, Lindsey finds out where to go. But there he sees an agitated Lilah panicking about Lindsey's attention from the firm. Lindsey and Angel both find themselves at the same place and then go together looking for the truth. They find it and it's a place where people like Lindsey get their body parts from nobodies. Lindsey finds the person who's hand he's wearing, and he urges him to kill him, which Lindsey does. Angel gets as many people out of there before exploding the place to smithereens. The next day Lindsey learns that he has got the promotion, but explains in a deranged way that he can't take it, and so Lilah gets the position. Lindsey then proceeds to pack his stuff and leave town, but not without a note from Angel.


Cordelia gets an acting job in a national advert, but it isn't all it cracks up to be. And Angel knowing that too tries to protect Cordelia from the snide comments from the director but ends up embarrassing Cordelia even more. Meanwhile Wesley has a numbing phone call from his father, which leaves Wesley somewhere else. Gunn's homies go and visit him in the hotel, needing his van for some vamp action, but Gunn is already needed by Wesley and Angel to fight a demon. Gunn decides to go with Angel and Wesley telling his friends to wait for them. On returning to the hotel Wesley and Angel find Cordelia sitting in the lobby of the hotel, and not very happy about her acting career. Meanwhile in Caritas the Host has his own visitor from another dimension. He goes to Angel and the gang to help sort it out. But as he tells them about it all Cordelia has a vision of a woman being sucked into a portal similar to that the demon came out from at Caritas. They decide to stick with Cordelia' vision and head towards the library. There they find out that the woman who was in Cordelia's vision went missing years ago. They go to where she disappeared and Cordelia finds the book that she was reading and reads it out aloud. A portal appears and a thing comes out. Angel begins to fight it until the thing recognises The Host. It turns out that they are cousins and the demon that they're looking for comes from their home world. Together they all go and hunt for the demon. They eventually find it. However in fighting it Landok get injured and Angel takes over. Wesley and Angel go and look for it and in a surprise attack on Wesley Angel manages to kill the demon by launching a sword through it's throat. Cordelia then has an idea of how to send Landok back, because that's the only way he's going to survive. He reads from the book in Caritas, a portal opens and he gets sucked through....along with Cordelia.

Over The Rainbow

Cordelia finds herself sucked into The Host's dimension, Pylea. A totally distraught Angel tries to get her back back reading from the book, but it doesn't work. Wesley, Angel and The Host head back to the hotel to do some research. Gunn arrives back form his meeting with his crew. After Angel explains to him what's been going on Gunn tells him he can't go if it's a one way trip, he has to stay with his crew. Meanwhile Cordelia has been chased by a hell dog, only to be slobbered by it. And then the hell dog's owner tying her up and selling her in the market in a village in Pylea. Back in the other dimension Wesley realises why the portal didn't work when Angel tried it. The psychic hotspot was drained of its energy and needs to charge up. The Host goes in search of a friend who know where to find these kind of hot spots so that they can go through. Angel feels as if he's losing all his people, first Cordelia and then Gunn. And also he gets an unexpected visit from two lawyers from Wolfram & Hart. Looking at the hotel, but Angel stops before anything can happen. Cordelia has been bough in Pylea and now works as a slave for a woman, there humans are seen as cows and nothing more. Back on Earth Angel makes a phone call to Gunn telling him what's the what. Next Wesley has his Eureka moment and they're all off to the hotspot to go to Pylea. Together in the car just as they're about to whiz off Gunn jumps into the car, after hearing Angel's call decides to go along with the trip. They all buckle up and are off into the portal to Pylea. There they arrive, where a panicked Angel tries to cover himself up for fear of bursting into flames finds out that he doesn't burst into flames. They hide the car and are off to find Cordelia. Cordelia has been kind of arrested for having the curse, or the sight. She's tested for it and it is true and she is to be sentenced. Meanwhile after The Host tried to get a old friend to help them, things went badly and they find themselves in a fight and later arrested for it. Angel, Wesley and Gunn reside in a dungeon, while the Host is taken else where. They are soon to be sentenced by the ruling body there, but when they get to the sentencing they find out that it's Cordelia that's sitting in the royalty's chair...

Through The Looking Glass

Angel and co. find themselves in the throne room of the princess of Pylea, which as it turns out to be is Cordelia. She sets them free against the wishes of pretty much everyone. There The Host/Lorne explains that in the prophecy in Pylea a cursed one who has a connection to the Powers That Be will lead them and will be their Messiah. And Cordelia finds out by seeing Angel's reflection that Angel's human side is emerging in Pylea, and he can walk in the sun etc. While Angel and The Host go to The Host's family to ask about any portals they might have seen Cordelia, Gunn and Wesley go to find some books which my lead them back home. At Lorne's home his masculine mother is not too happy to see him back. While Landok sees Angel, and just as Lorne's mother is about to dismiss them both, Landok some how encourages a celebration in honor of Angel, the Drokken killer. Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn aren't having much luck, but they do find three books. One with a wolf on, second with a ram and third with a hart...wolf-ram-&-hart. And they realise that the priests that appointed Cordelia as the princess can not be trusted. Also they find out that Cordelia has to komshuck with a grooselugg. Which they later find out is a mating ritual. Angel and The Host are in the village centre where Angle continues to tell tales from all of his many "battles". While the Host looks on. Soon Landok asks him to swing the crebbil at the bach-nal. Angel decides ok, but when it comes to it it turns out that he has to chop off a young woman's head. Which he doesn't do. So plays the hero and grabs the girl and horse and rides off, while The Host sings which numbs the natives. There the girl leads Angel to her cave, where he finds out that it's Fred, from LA. Meanwhile Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn are trying to get out of the palace, which Gunn and Wesley are able to do but Cordelia gets caught and has to go back to her throne. Angel meanwhile goes out to find Wesley and Gunn, but upon fighting some palace guards he turns into some wild creature and slaughters one guard. Wesley and Gunn meet up with Angel not knowing it's him, until Wesley sees the tattoo on his back, Fred leads Angel away from them by showing a hand of blood to Angel. Angel back in Fred's cave sees his true self, and changes back to human form, shaking al over. Wesley and Gunn have been apprehended by some human rebels. And Cordelia finds out that the grooselugg is in fact mostly human and very attractive. Cordelia gets to know the grooselugg but soon the priests come in and tell her she's nothing then shows her the head, of the Host...

There's no Place Like Plrtz Glrb

Cordelia begins to scream uncontrollably when the Host's head begins to talk. It seems that the deathwok clan people only die when their head has been decapitated from their body, once the body is mutilated. Silas has ordered the kill of Angel, Wesley and Gunn, to further destroy the princess. Meanwhile Angel has woken up from his night of being the demon, and finds out that Fred knows a lot about the portals and she could help them all get home. Meanwhile Cordelia and the Host's head have gone to the mutilation chamber to look for the Host's body. They think they find it mutilated, but it wasn't. Luckily grooselugg hid the Host's body and put his clothes on another's body. The Host's body is safe at his mother's home. Wesley and Gunn had a visit from the palace's knights, just as their heads were about to be knocked off. Luckily Gunn and Wesley were able to help the rebels fight off some of the knights, and were set free, only to go back to the rebels and help their cause. Angel also got a visit from the palace's knights, and another stronger warrior. He fights them all off, but gets stabbed repeatedly one of them, until Fred chucks a rock on his head. After Angel recovered from his little stabbing he decides that it's time to go and look for his friend, even though Fred is unwilling to let him go. But they both go, as Angel can't seem to find his way around. He then goes to meet Wesley and Gunn, he finds them with relative ease, even though the rebels are meant to be guarding the place. The rebels put Wesley in charge, the man with the plan to help them storm the palace and save the princess. At the palace Cordelia and grooselugg talk, and out of the talk Cordelia realises why the priests want them to mate. During the mating Cordelia's visions pass onto the demon blood inside the grooselugg. She doesn't want this, she says that she likes the visions, and they're who she is. At that moment she has a vision, of the grooselugg coming face to face with the demon inside Angel. Meanwhile the Wesley tells Angel that he has to fight the grooselugg, and convinces him that he will be able to go back after he turns into the beast inside him, but truly Wesley doesn't believe that, but he makes Angel believe it. So Angel and Fred go to the village square where Angel challenges the grooselugg to a fight. The grooselugg goes, spurred on by lies by the priests. The rebels, Wesley and Gunn have managed to use this time created by Angel to get into the palace. Angel's not doing so well fighting the grooselugg, he's trying to keep the beast within him...he's holding on. Wesley, Gunn and the rebels find Silas. Angel's beast has emerged but as soon as it is about to do something drastic to the grooselugg Angel quells the beast and stops. Cordelia has managed to kill Silas with a sword across his throat. And comes tearing out of the palace and stops the fight and proclaims her love to grooselugg. Cordelia helps turn Pylea into a more human friendly place, and give it to grooselugg. With the help of the priests books and Fred's knowledge they get back to Caritas, literally in Caritas. Gunn, Fred, Cordelia, Wesley and Angel get back to the hotel, as soon as Angel walks in he sees Willow, not looking at all happy, and then Angel says, "It's Buffy..."