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Mukou Sagaku Net!
A b o u t U s -
- G a l l e r y -
- C h a r a c t e r s -
- C M ' s W r e c k R o o m -
- O . C . T -
- M e s s R o o m -
- E - m a i l U s -

Song of the moment:
Linkin Park - Carousel
Quote of the moment:
"Veni, Veni, Venias, Ne Me
Mori Facias..."
- One Winged Angel
Game in PS2:
Kingdom Hearts

Last Updated: March 29, 2003
Kaglo: MEH HEHEHEHEHE! I finnally made a website for ma group! We're called: Mukou
Sagaku (
向う相違)! Meaning Beyond Difference! Cuz zats vut ve are. If readin
my typin is hurtin ur eyes then just don't look cuz I aint changin. Ill
type how i talk....(yes i can spell too...*watches everyone back up in
amazement*) heheheh....funny....right....*walks away*

                    Website made by ME! KAGLO!