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AngelGDH's I am a pro at this naming thing. :)

Well, first time doing this so 'scuse me if it looks bad! :)

My very first blog...and a few other things. :)
A pic I took in Spain of a courtyard on a beautiful day
The Statue of Columbus in this pic!
A cool shot of a building at Puebla Espanol
Cute little car in Barcelona :)
Me and the hubby...the love of my life! :)
Very silly pic of me last Halloween :)
My cute (and big) nephew and me :)
Darling (recent) niece and nephew pic! It looks like he is standing on his own...I just took out the hands that were holding him! :)
Another darling pic!! I told her to 'Look up here!' :)
Sweet niece and cute sis-in-law.
"Cancel my appointments! I'm playing blocks!"