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Amanda's World

Places that I roam..........

Live Journal
Wait til next year.......
Help the little animals
animators, vampires and werewolves, OH MY!
The Siiiiimpsonsssssssssss

Hi there!!This is my first attempt at a website of my own, so be gentle ;)

About Me
name: Amanda
age: 23
located: Chicago burbs
pets: 2 cats Rio and Fred and some horny fish
job: none.....I am a certified EMT
pet peeves: stupid people
online addictions: neopets, lj, quizzes
favorite food: Italian and chinese
things to do: traveling, movies, bowling, camping, reading, pool,
authors: Stephen King and Laurell K Hamilton
tv show: Simpsons
favorite book: well it is a series by Laurell K Hamilton~Anita Blake series

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