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Project Nigatsu

Devil with a Halo Full Name: Project Nigatsu, Ni-Ni, and Ninnykins.
Name Meaning: Project February, Project Second Month
Former Name: Ume Sakura Branch
Gender: Male
Race: Jinzoku Cyborg
Team Position: Third in Command
Physical Age: 27
Actual Age: 327
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200~400 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet
Complexion: Pale, near flawless
Blood type: B-
Birth date: February 29th/Neiron 29th
Weapon(s): None
Powers: Lesser Ki, Chi, Qi, Magic
Primary Spell Element: Black Magic
Secondary Spell Element: Fire Shamanism
Intermediate Spell Element: Air Shamanism and Spirit Shamanism
Inept Spell Elements: Water Shamanism, White Magic, some Earth Shamanism (save for Vlave Howl, Blade Haut, and Mega Brand)
Personal Powers: Telekinetic abilities of the most basic level, basic telepathy and temporary healing abilities (the healing doesn’t heal the wound, it just pauses any effects)
Brief History: Ume’s story is separate, and much more in depth, as he truly had a life that was earned, before he became a project. As Sangatsu’s story goes: there father died saving them, and their mother un-loaded all twelve of them at some orphanage. They did the right thing. However, that is not how Ume saw it, there were at least ten different ways his parents could have gone about that, so he labeled them incompetent in his mind and left the doorstep, not to become weight in tow. He separated himself form the rest of them, which is now a severe consequence to his interactions with his siblings…but it wouldn’t change that they were his family, and he left for them. It was logical, and with help from kindly wagons of folk, he headed towards the nearest city. There he was a thief for a small amount of time, obviously unsuccessful as one, he was caught thieving from the pockets of a very successful musician in the high-class, swanky part of the city. The man, however was noted for his sympathy, and took Ume in and taught his the violin, and how to change between all sorts of lovely string instruments, he feed him and clothed him, and yet, made him work for his board. The lord was the first he loved, outside his family…and was the first to make him feel strangely attracted to men. In a few years, he was skilled in the art of music, and a skillful craftsman. But he did not forget his eleven other sibling, three quarters of the money he earned was always mailed back to that orphanage. To help them stay there together. Then the woman came. He was enthralled when she came into the house of his kindly lord and she gave so kind words, knowing of the other eleven, telling the lord of what happen, and from where Ume came from. He was told, as in effect, Ume was told as well, of what the others are doing, saving the world, doing this, doing that…it was eloquent, but Ume read through the sly words of the beautiful woman, and acknowledged one thing: his siblings were putting their lives on the line. It took a short battle of wills and wants, with his lord and her was off…to become Nigatsu, infinitely darker for learning that his own personal codes of honor will always have his siblings before his own gain, especially difficult to battle with, since he lived such a posh life. He was changed, like the rest, and reunited with his family, he battled, always trying to be first, so they do not get hurt…always the one that would take the missions that would call for delicateness or indifferent viciousness. He was the one who got his hands dirty, digging that deep. And how, he is here, in the Nexus of all realities, on the word of someone he didn’t know, and his family is in more peril than ever…actually putting themselves in this position at times. And with so much distance on this massive, complex planet/plane…he has more time to think on what they are doing. And this is a bad thing.
Theme Song: Vast-The last one alive
Voice: Sesshomaru
Catchphrase: “Ugh…charming.”

Food: Fried Rice
Drink: Green Tea
Color: Black
Sport: Gymnastics
Day of the Week: Saturday
Spell: Balus Rod
Hobbies: Music, playing his violin, or any classical instrument, though could play the guitar or other string instruments, if he wanted to…also, mild Philosophical conversation and reflection

Physical Statistics Report Card
F=Pitiful (full of extra suck)

Strength: B-
Constitution: D
Dexterity: B
Agility: A+
Intelligence: A-
Wisdom: A
Charisma: C
Appearance: A-

Profile: Think of yourself as small, nothing at all. Because that’s what you are to him: nothing. He is presenting you with his company because he feels so sorry for you pitiful creatures. He holds himself up at a stiff and regal six feet and two inches. And with a thin, slightly lanky look to him, one would assume that he is just another arrogant no nothing…But once he gave you a look with those sharp violet eyes, and a slight of a twitch from the side of his thin lipped mouth, you can tell he is one of those people…one of those creatures, who is rather…. hard…to estimate. His hair is short and spikes back, but if it were loose, it would fall unevenly to his brow. His torso is usually revealed…a sign of vanity, as he shows off his defined, thin upper body to those around him, and it’s barely covered, as he wears fishnet shirts and tuxedo jackets only. Nothing more. His long legs are usually wrapped in skin-tight, ribbed leather pants, with buckled straps every third ribbon. The young looking man of his mid-to-late twenties holds no weapon on his body, he carries no such device to make one believe he is even a fighter…but of course, it could just be him being arrogant. Again.

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