Welcome to the Fan Fics! ::Anne groans:: Sorry honey, my page, my show. :P~ All characters used belong to Anne Rice, No harm was intended in writing these, yadda yadda yadda. Anne doesn't like us writing fan fiction using her characters (They're YOURS!! OK?!?!). I, on the other hand, would find it to be a huge complement. And therefore, I'm a bitch and do as I please. ::grins:: If you have any specs you'd like to add (funny, slash, whatever!) feel free to e-mail me! And please SUPPORT THE SPECS!! Cheers! ::toodles off::

More and more will be added as time goes by, so if you like what you read, keep coming back! Even if you don't like what you read (I wouldn't mind feedback of anykind! :D) come back! I need hits! HITS PEOPLE!! @_@

Spotlight Fics
(aka: One Character)

Prince of Death

Slash Fics
(aka: Hot Stuff Baby)

Si Je Dois Mourir Demain

Funny/Silly Fics
(aka: Fun!)

Evening Before Christmas/Slash-y