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<P>&lt;bgsound src="braveht.mid"&gt;</P>




<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&lt;img src="terrystorch.gif" height="180" width="89"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;font color="#ffff00" face="Dungeon" size="7"&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;Dragon's Dungeon&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="#ffff00" face="Dungeon" size="5"&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;Within the lower chambers of the Castle, dwells a</P>

<P>Dragon; normally a gentle soul, but he can be very dark and brooding.</P>

<P>His soul is gentle and kind; but he came to me in great pain both</P>

<P>physically and in spirit. His great frame carried the burns of great</P>

<P>fires, which caused great concern! I bathed his wounds, placed a</P>

<P>healing salve upon them, and cared for this gentle soul until his</P>

<P>wounds were healed.&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;I had known many nights where this great Dragon</P>

<P>seemed greatly troubled in his sleep - when he could sleep. Oft times,</P>

<P>he was too restless, as though ghosts of the past yet haunted his</P>

<P>gentle spirit. As his physical wounds began to heal, and he grew a</P>

<P>little more rested, he began to share part of his story with me. &lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;It seems that this gentle soul had long resided in an</P>

<P>abandoned Castle with his mate. They had shared a long and happy life</P>

<P>together, until such a time that their presence was discovered. This</P>

<P>discovery created quite a stir among certain people, and they attacked</P>

<P>the Castle with intent to slay the Dragons. The villagers set fire to</P>

<P>the briars which had grown around the Castle, and they burned rapidly;</P>

<P>scorching the Castle walls. The pair fought to defend themselves from</P>

<P>the attack, but alas, his mate was slain. It was during his attempt to</P>

<P>defend her that he was so badly burned. With her gone, he had no fight</P>

<P>left, and he took to the skies to escape. &lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;He had sought only to find a place away from these</P>

<P>humans in which to spend his last hours of life; but his great wings</P>

<P>grew weary, and he could travel no farther. And so it was that this</P>

<P>gentle Dragon came to my Castle. His wounds from the fire have healed,</P>

<P>though the scars are yet visible. He yet mourns for the loss of his</P>

<P>mate; and in those times can have a very angry, brooding mood. But, he</P>

<P>knows the sound of my steps, and my voice; and even in his darkest</P>

<P>times, my touch can reach him and bring him back to me. &lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;Here, he has always been a gentle Dragon, and has</P>

<P>grown very protective of his new home and his new family. His is of a</P>

<P>gentle spirit, but test him not; for his memory is still strong, and</P>

<P>the pain over losing his mate that he loved is great. </P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;Challenge him, and you will know the rage</P>

<P>of this great Dragon. But come as a friend with heart that is pure and</P>

<P>true, and you will know the gentle ways of his Dragon_Spirit. &lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;/font&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&lt;img src="ornametalbar.gif" height="60" width="436"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;font color="#ffff00" face="Dungeon" size="5"&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;/font&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&lt;img src="backlightning.gif" height="100" width="222"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;font color="#ffff00" face="Dragonwick" size="5"&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</P>

<P>&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="#ffff00" face="Dragonwick" size="7"&gt;&lt;p align="center"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</P></FONT></BODY>