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Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity

VA Delta Chi Chapter




Letter To All

    Welcome to our site!  The Brothers of Pi Lambda Phi appreciate your interest in our fraternity.  The Founding Fathers of Pi Lambda Phi formed this fraternity in 1895 on the basis of non-sectarianism and equality for all men.  We believe that it is our diversity that makes us strong and we carry on that tradition.  Pi Lambda Phi prides itself on being the ONLY International Fraternity on campus.  Feel free to browse the site to learn more about our organization. 

To The Brothers

    When the Brothers are motivated, no obstacle is too tough.  The spirit and traditions of our Chapter carry on into the new Brothers.  I would like to say thanks to all the Brothers for all their hard work and dedication to each other and to the Chapter.  Also, to the Alumni Brothers, without your support and advice we would never have come so far.

Chi Class

Congratulations to the Chi Class for being the newest inducted class to the VA Delta Chi crew.  



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This site is maintained by Brother Taylor