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You know you graduated from DC and graduated West Potomac when

1.         You spend weekend nights driving around looking for something to do and always end up at THE 7-11

2.   You have been harassed by park police (specifically officer Wood)

3.   What is Omar doing here?

4.   If you know what “7 woodz” vs. “beacon woodz” means.

5.   Yes Sharp has been drinking!

6.   Everyone applies to Tech.

7.   You know what little Africa is and know someone that has left through it for lunch by driving through it.

8.   Have gone airborne driving over the speed hump in front of Fort Hunt

9.   Having a drive-by mooning is not an uncommon occurrence

10. Have taken a ride in the back of a pickup on the parkway

11. You go to parties where you know no one, yet you drink with them like you have known them for years.

12. Have gotten a hotel room on route 1 because you can’t find anywhere else to party.

13. Hitting animals isn’t an accident, it’s a hobbie.

14. When you know everyone by their car

15. You know two meanings for "g spot"

16.       You have had a bubble bath in old Town’s fountain.


17.       You’ve been confronted by cops at the back gate


18.       You stood outside your classroom and saw the smoke rise from the Pentagon on 9/11


19.       You have ever impersonated Howerton.


20.       You have climbed on top of the school, for no reason other than to look around.


21.       You have ever punched Mr. Duggins in the stomach, at his request.


22.       You describe everyone in terms of Kyle Geren.


23.       You have seen Will Aramony’s ass (contributed by Colin)


24.       The “Mall” means both a large building full of stores, and a large lawn full of tourists.


25.       You have ever gotten high in Brian Burton’s suburban.


26.       If you have defiled a rock, or felt deep pain upon having your own rock defiled.


27.       If you have ever had a drag race from the junior parking lot to the senior lot.


28.       You have partied at a congressmens house.


29.       You have been pulled over by the Buick.


30.       Stopped at a certain stop sign just to see who can lay the most tread.


31.       Been sent to the hospital because you got stabbed by a sword as a part of a project.


32.       Gone surfing on a box spring mattress towed behind a car.


33.       Saw an a real African walking down King street on a weekend night wearing nothing but a loin-cloth.


34.       Had a car yell at you with no one in it.


35.       Gone swimming in the Potomac in the winter.


36.       Known someone who has met someone on the internet and did dirty deeds in a dressing room, metro car, and only god knows what other public places.


37.       Smacked Becky’s ass.


38.       Known someone that has ordered 3 different pizzas in one night just to see their reaction when they answered the door in their birthday suit.


39.       Have been humped, fondled, or otherwise molested by Rob Dalton.


40.       Know what the circle of death is.


41.       Have ever considered a career in adult entertainment.


42.       When you have nothing to do, you drive by the “3 houses” in Stratford Landing/Ft. Hunt to check for parties.


43.       Have gone to a someones house for party when they were out of town.


44.       Have broken into a landfill for the sole purpose of moving trash around.


45.       Ran bases at Fort Hunt with you car.


46.       Have ever gone to West Marine after hours to try out boat horns.


47.       Have ever thrown firecrackers at a Rent-a-cop.


48.       One of your pranks has been classified as a Bio-hazard by local authorities


49.       You have been chased by a police helicopter on a weekday night.


50.       Social cliches are formed along political party lines.


51.       You know you went to West Potomac if you find yourself yelling “OOHHHHH” just because everyone else was.


52.       Have ever broken a freshmens foot because of hazing.


53.       Know someone that has their own porno site.


54.       If your french teacher got fired for showing a porno.


55.       You have ever pulled the rope in Dobsons class.


56.       If you have been pulled out of the mud at 4:00 AM.


57.       If you have blown out 3 of your tires at the same time as a result of speeding on the beach!


58.       Ever gotten a 12 year old drunk on tequila.


59.       If you have ever broken a window with a water balloon.


60.       If you have ever towed a wrecked car through the mud on its side just because you could.


61.       Ever driven 2000 miles in 2 days.


62.       Stood on the porch of “Famous Daves BBQ” for 20 minutes with no other purpose than to see a car wreck.


63.       Ever have been pulled over doing 98 in a MINIVAN!


64.       Have ever been called in to pull Crandall’s Jeep out because he got stuck off-roading


65.       Driven up a hill you couldn’t otherwise walk up.


66.       Rolled your car over on the way back to school.

This is a working list, and it is for fun, if you are offended, then contact me