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This song is for a very special someone that's very close to me in a way that no one has ever been before. I love you .............. 3

An answer to a prayer What do you say when you can‚t sleep anymore What do you do when you feel like everything is crashing down on you Is there anything left to give or take from this world In just that instant, it comes to you To rescue you from all that has gone wrong To provide you with the strength that you need Every ounce of pain and sorrow magically is deleted from your life All from an answer to a prayer What does it give you Does it give you the permission to live freely again Doesn‚t it give you the right to feel like there is a god It allows you to believe and know that everything happens for a reason Each answer to a prayer comes differently Each is individually chosen by something up above That something can be a god that knows what‚s best for you Or it can be your angel, bringing you the new part of your life That new part of life is what will get you through not only the future to come But through the past that both of you have been a part of When all of your worries so carelessly float away This is an answer to a prayer I love you

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