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Hello everyone! Im erica, tryin to look cool.. keyword tryin lol. I'd like to take this moment to thank BROOKIE COOKIE for helpin me w/ this page!!

oh yea u can click the pic for more pix ok?

oh and here is a link to my other page

S e p t e m b e r 1 1, 2 0 0 1

This is a date so many Americans and many other people around the world will remember. Hearing the news of the plane crashes in my first period world history/geography class was so abrupt that i couldn't absorb it all. it didn't seem real, it couldn't have been. It seemed as if it were a movie. Stuff like that couldn't possibly happen...but it did. and now we r ready for whatever will happen...I pray for those who lost their lives and for the ones who loved those who were lost. We will miss everyone of you. God bless

to learn about me click here aight, now for mah friends....

virginia people

carolina people

florida people

ohio people


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