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Katie's Pix that i scanned
Inkyung, Naomi, Maria, Eun-Jin, Adrian at the party the last nite

the cellos... with david looking straight at the camera (wut do u expect... it's katies pic!!! lol)

oMG IM EATING CHOCOLATE!!! mwahahaha i ate a lot at the chocolate museum (well... for me) and afterwords, i didn't exactly feel the greatest. hehe

yupyup... thats how we shipped the cellos (come ON were not gonna pay like $500 for another seat for each cello!)

hahaha eric and sam looking wack-o as usual

HAHAHAHAHA eric looking cRAZEEE before the concert

a random pic of eric at the party

Fuad and Maddie and Charolotte. i think that maddies drink is not exactly a-hem... well based from the way she's acting... LOL HAHA JUSS KIDDIN!!!

Katie and Lana on the train to Cologne.

mwahahaha lana and her smile....

Lana, me, Silvia, and Katie in the Neuer Krug

katie and I at the party ... the guy on the left was this 2nd vlnist dude who was drunk.... haha

me in the chocolate museum. gosh why does everyone think its such a gud pic of me (lol kt: "omG rachelle looks SOO HOT AND SEXY in this pic... better send one to kevin!! LOL!!!)

Me being silly in Detmold

Me in Detmold. i look sOOO european in this pic! do u realize that this and the above pix are the ONLY pix i have of myself in which i do NOT have redeye!! lol looking at these i remembered that mai eyes are actually blue....

Mrs. Sandberg posing in shoes in Amsterdam

Sam, me, Lana (left side) and Eric, Lillian, Silvia at the party

Stephie and Inkyung in the snow in Amsterdam (our first day)

Stephie, John (back), Katie, and David at the bird place. i think david saved that snowball for me! :( haha

Stephie, Katie, and David ... no comment abt why they all look so funny LOL

us all tired after the flight