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Location of Ribarica:

If you are wondering where Ribarica exactly is, take a look at:



click here [240 kb] to see larger version of map of local area,
or here [1003 kb] to see original version of map of local area (if you want to see where are important cultural and natural locations, in area 100 km around Ribarica)

Or take a look on the map from which is Croatia's official online phone book where you can also find our home/work/Villa phone numbers and addresses if you type "Buljan Zvonimir" and press Enter under the first field "Upit (naziv ili telefon)". Our phone numbers and addresses are under numbers 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Road access: From Rijeka: 110 km on main road Rijeka-Senj-Zadar, 5 km before Karlobag. From Zagreb: 200 km on highway Zagreb-Split to Gospic, and then 40 km on road Gospic-Karlobag and 5 km on the road to Rijeka

Exact location of our house:

When you get in Ribarica, there is a restaurant "Florida" right on the main road, and 20 m from it is a small road (that is our street) that goes straight to the beach, which is some 150 m, and since our house is first one next to the beach, you can't miss it. If you by any chance can't find us, just ask for Zvonimir Buljan in "Florida" or in any other house near the beach or just simply sit on the beach, look around, and you'll see our house. You'll find us for sure, since Ribarica is very small place.
Although you will see a table with name of the street "Ulica ribara" ("Street of the fishermen") touching our fence on the north side of the house, since the entrance is on the west side, our address is: Zvonimir Buljan, Vile Velebita 2, Ribarica, Croatia.


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