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Home of A Company


The Virginia Defense Force  Aviation Battalion




to the home page of A Company, covering the southeastern part of the state. Our home base is at Hummel Airfield (W75), near Urbanna Va.


Our Mission

As part of the Virginia Defense Force, we fly missions to assess damage from floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters. We also fly security missions, drug surveillance and aerial mapping.


Company Drill Information for 2004


February 28th,  -   Recruiting Booth

0900 hours at Peasley Middle School

March 13th, at the A Company hanger   

0900 hours,  Please join us for breakfast at the Pilot House Inn

         at 0800 hours for any changes in plans


CONGRATULATIONS to Lt. Hardwicke, Company Commander, for

being chosen "Aviator of the Year" 2003 for the Aviation Battalion.



Contact Information


If you are a pilot, or are interested in joining the Virginia Defense Force Aviation Battalion, please  go to the  Aviation Battalion Website.

or call toll free 1-866-791-9164



Postal address
Virginia Defense Force
       Aviation Battalion
500 Dove Street
       Richmond,  VA  23222
Electronic mail
Webmaster: CompanyWebmaster


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