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Newspaper artical

Troop 10


  We would like to welcome all the new boy to the troop. The troop now has about 30 boys and is still growing.  Prediction say the troop in 2 years will have about 50 boys.  Read the news paper article from The Winchester Star!!!

Welcome to troop 10's web page.  This page is to be used a a place to announce troop activities and to give the public a place to find out what our troop is doing.

Cycling MB

The troop is now working on the Cycling Merit Badge.  We will have to cycle two 10s, two 15s,  one 25, and one 50 mile ride with in eight  hours.  Good luck and hope that you all will make it.

Summer Camp

Summer camp is just around the corner. Please have your physicals complete and turned in.  

Court of Honor

Our court of honor will be next week. We will have most of the new boys earning tenderfoot.  Please Remember to bring refreshments to share with the scouts and parents.