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Sook and Jina's Trigonometry 2 Page

Lesson 5.6

The sine and cosine graphs viewed above are the parent functions. However, these graphs can be altered by changing their amplitudes, periods, and shifting them upwards or downwards. The parent functions of the sine and cosine curves can otherwise be written as the equations of y = a sin(x) + c, and y = a cos(x)+ c, where the variables 'a', 'b', and 'c' are all '1'. The 'a' variable represents the amplitudes of the graphs, 'b' which is the coefficient of 'x' represents the periods of the graphs, and 'c' represents the translation of the entire graph in regards to the y-axis, which, in the parent functions, is zero.

Some problems to help you better understand...

  • Identify the amplitude, period, and translation of 'c' units for the equation y=2sin(2x)+1

    'a' is '2', 'b' is '2pi/2' or 'pi' and 'c' is '1 unit' which will shift the entire graph upwards. (You may have noticed that 'b' was calculated differently from 'a' and 'c'. Unlike 'a' and 'c', the period is not simply a number represented by a variable. 'b' actually represents 360degrees/'b', or 2pi/'b'.)

  • Sketch the graph of the function y= -cos(1/2x)+2.

    The parent cosine graph is reflected across the x-axis, due to the negative sign in the new equation; the period is now 4pi [remember...2pi/b, or in this case, (2pi/(1/2)), thus the period of 4pi]; and translating the parent function upwards by 2 units.

  • A Real World Application

    People that go in or out of harbor need to know the behaviors of the ocean's tide in order to determine whether it is safe to leave or come in to harbor. The tide is caused by gravitational pulls from the sun and moon and earth's rotation. To predict the behavior of tides, the behaviors must first be recorded, thus allowing people to guess what the tide's next behavior will be. What is the connection? Patterns of tide behaviors is just like sine and cosine graphs, as shown below of tide behaviors in Bombay over a period of 14 days in January.

    Lesson 3.4

    Geometry of Three Dimensional Shapes

  • Lengths of lines joining vertices with vertices

    The distance between any two points (x,y,z) and (x',y',z') is given by the distance formula of d(P,P')=((x'-x)^2+(y'-y)^2+(z'-z)^2).

    For example: Find the distance between the point (-1,-3,1) and (3,4,-2).



  • Lengths of lines joining midpoints with midpoints

    To find the length of a line joining a midpoint with a midpoint,use the formula ((x+x')/2, (y+y')/2, (z+z')/2).

    For example: Find the midpoint of the line segment from (2,-3,6) to (3,4,-2).

    Using the formula, the answer will come out to be...((2+3)/2,(-3+4)/2,(6+(-2))/2) which will equal (5/2,1/2,2).

    Lesson 3.5


    Vectors as Displacements in the Plane

    When referring to vectors on a plane, they are expressed in terms of what is known as a basis. The most commonly used basis is vectors 'i' and 'j'. These two vectors can be used to define any vector lying in the plane of the page. Therefore, if vector 'a' is 3i+2j, it implies that from the original point, the vector will travel over 3 units with regards to the x-axis, and up 2 units with regards to the y-axis. Another example, vector 'b' being -i-5j, would imply from the original point, traveling to the left 1 unit, down 5 units. However, vectors may be written as a column vector. For example, vector 'c'=2i+3j may be written as:



    Components of a Vector

    The components of a vector are its 'i' and 'j' vectors. For example, if vector'd' = -i+3j, then -i and 3j would be its components.

    Vector Arithmetic

  • Vector Addition and Subtraction

    Vectors are added in the same manner as algebraic terms, where only like terms can be added or subtracted. For example: if vector'a'=2i-j and vector'b'=-i+3j, then 'a'+'b'=2i+j+(-i+3j)=>i+2j. To find the difference between vectors 'a' and 'b', 'a'-'c'=(2i+j)-(-i+3j)=>3i-2j. (However, there is a difference between finding the differences between two vectors, and adding a negative vector. Finding the difference between two vectors was just shown, and is simply subtracting one vector from the other. However, adding a negative vector is an entirely different story. So be careful to differentiate between the two.)

  • The Zero and Negative Vectors

    The zero vector is expressed by 0=(0,0)

    The negative vector is expressed by -'a'=-(a,a')=(-a,-a')

  • Vector Multiplication

    The vector multiplication theorem implies that the length of a directed line segment that represents two vectors, e.g. 'a' and 'b', that 'a' will be 'b' times the lenght of the directed line segment 'a'. Some properties of scalar multiples of vectors:






  • Magnitude of a Vector

    The length of a vector is sometimes known as its magnitude (or absolute value). To determine a vector's magnitude, the vector's components must be squared, added, and then the square root of the sum of squared components is the magnitude of the vector. It is the extended version of the Pythagorean theorem. For example, a vector of -i+2j-5k,will be ((-1)^2+2^2+(-5^2)), which equals 30.

    LINKS James W. Robinson, Jr. Secondary School
    More Trig
    Coordinate Geometry and 2-D Trig
    Need Help with Trig? Click Here!

    Hope you learned valuable trig facts!!