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All Jazzy.... All the time!!!


So this time I'm actually updating my page without an email from someone reminding me to! I think that's progress!! :) As you can see from the very LARGE picture above this paragraph, we took Jazzy to the zoo last weekend... and she loved it. She has been learning about lots of different animals, and the sounds they make, etc, and this was the first time she got to see a lot of them. The highlight was seeing a "baby jaguar", just like Diego has in one of her favorite shows! Well... really it was a cheetah, but she doesn't need to know that. There are also pics posted of her second birthday celebration... this girl had birthday cake in some form for about 5 days straight, with candles and singing every time! A little excessive, but when they ask for it, and they're so cute... what can you do? :)

As for myself, I have my divorce hearing coming up on Friday, 5/26, and if all goes according to plan, that should be IT!! Woo hoo!! It's been a long time coming, folks! Then, to celebrate that (and for my birthday present from the parents), they will be watching Jazzy for me so I can go to Florida the first weekend in June! So... lots of excitement coming up soon! Hope everyone is well... and hope to see you all soon! Thanks for stopping by!!


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baby development


Jazzy's 2nd Birthday!
My first zoo trip!!!!