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Study Guide Question #22

The American Pageant

The Importance of the Battle of Saratoga


Saratoga was one of the most decisive victories in American History. It not only encouraged the colonial cause it also provided the possibility for France's aid in the war. This battle spurred the colonial cause and insured the countries independecence.

What Happened?

While the British was able to keep the Americans at bay at first with German reinforcements, the British General, General Burgoyne decided to wait until reinforcements came from the South to continue to attack. When his forces never came he was forced to send 1,500 troops to the right flank of the Americans. Easily outnumbered and open to surprise attacks the British were destroyed. Afte this Burgoyne began to retreat. With the growing American forces reaching 20,000 troops he was forced to surrender on October 17, 1777.

Important People

General Horatio Gates of the American Army

Genereal John Burgoyne of the British Army

The History of the Battle of Saratoga