Teddy Bear Love Graphic Copy rite by BA

Teddy Bear Love was created by Blazing Angel

as a dedication to Shadow Geomancer to Commemorate their

unconditional hope, faith, and love. Due to situations

beyond control their future is on hold for many years.Their

friendship and love still remains true as ever. If you want to

read more about this relationship and follow as time

progresses feel free to visit this site and their diarys for




image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

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copyrite BY BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

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copyrite by BA

image copyrite by BA

image copyrite of BA

image copyrite by BA