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Pyschology Extra Credit

The Identified Areas of Struggle

Intelligence Tests * Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon came up with a way to measure the intelligence of people and they started with children and measured this by a child's mental age. * Binet and Simon measured this by developing a variety of reasoning and problem-solving questions for children to therefore determine there age. * The test was changed to work towards more people and was renamed the Stanford-Binet test. *The intelligence quotient, or IQ is a person's mental age is divided by the chronological age of the person. * The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(WAIS)is the most widely used intelligence test; contains verbal and performance(nonverbal) subtests. * Other kinds of intelligence tests include achivement tests which are made to see how much someone has learned. * Within a intelligence test there is the reliability of the test, which shows if it produces consistent results or not and then the validity of the test is whether the test predicts what it is suppose to predict. Theorists * James-Lange theory: the theory that our experience of our physiological responses to emotion-arousing stimuli. * Cannon-Bard theory: the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers (1) physiological responses and (2) the subjective experience of emotion. This theory implies that your heart begins punding as you experience fear. * Stanley Schachter prposed a theory in which emotion has two factors which include physical arousal and a cognitive label. This theory is call the two-factor theory. Motivation: To pyschologists a motivation is a need or desire that serves to energize behavior and to direct it toward a goal. * The drive-reduction theory is the idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state that motivates an organism to satisfy the need. *Abraham Maslow came up with the hierarchy of needs which are the needs of humans that come in a certain order to survive and they are as followed: Self actualization needs, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs, and physiological needs. *Sexual motivation is the motivation that drives everyone to sexual arousal. The sexual arousal all depends on the interplay of internal and external stimuli. *Achievement motivation: is a desire for significant accomplishment: for mastery of things, people, or ideas: for attaining a high standard. *Extrinsic motivation is a desire to perfork a behavior due to promised rewards or threats of punishment.

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Maslow hierarchy
IQ Test
