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My Home Page

Site Managers

This is Superb1x's page.
Go to the Mario page- Under reconstruction
Go to the Anime page - Up in the air
Super Mario Bros. Guide - Run by all site managers
Go to the Pokemon Page - Run by all site managers, not ready yet
Go to the Gamecube Page! - Run by S1x and Tom
About us!- Run by all site managers
S1x RPG - Saga and adventure!- Run by S1x only
What's next? Want older updates?- Dead

8/6/2002: hi agian, i need to get some ideas what you guys want! i will do anything, you name it! In the mean while, i will be working on a diablo 2 reveiw and code page. peace out

8/1/2002: I have now put myself on a schedule to stop ignoring this site periodically. 7 days until this site's 1st anniversary!

7/14/2002: Yes! I'm back from my visit to Rhode Island. Quite an experience. Now, time to get back to the site.

7/1/2002: Nice broken link, Tom.

6/30/2002: I need an opinion on what to put up on this site, Please E-mail me at, also please summit codes to add to the colection,thax

6/26/2002: Minor updates are everywhere. See if you could find them - or not find them.

6/24/2002: Ha hah! Summer is great! What should my next update be...

6/12/2002: It seems like something has been lifted off my shoulders, ever since about 2 hours ago. Go to this page often from now on. You might not understand yet. That's okay, because I don't understand it yet either.

6/8/2002: Finally, finally, finally. Part 3a is done. My next update plans to be a review of a new Gamecube game of mine...once I finish it, that is. Maybe I could try a GBA page, or a SNES page...

6/6/2002: YES! SCHOOL IS NO LONGER WITH ME! Now that school is over i will be tring to edit this site more. But not to much since I still need to take advantage of summer! Have a good summer, and for all people that still have school, HAHAHAHA.Not meaning to be mean though.By the way, i got Stright A's except one B. PEACE OUT!
P.S-For all the site managers, i finally cracked the PICs mystery (How to put pics on your site)If you want to learn E-mail me.

6/6/2002: One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school. One more day of school.

5/27/2002: Da ha hah ha haaaa!! Time is running so, so, so slow during my last 2 freakin' weeks of school. And this sentence proves to ALL OF YOU [Words edited by S1x] THAT THERE IS NO [Words edited by S1x] ON THIS SITE, SO YOU CAN JUST [Words edited by S1x] ......Now, I will PEACEFULLY try to continue work. Have a nice day.

5/24/02:I got a start of a Codes page up, it only contains super smash Bros melee for Gamecube at the moment, but i had a big assignment, so i will be working on it soon.Peace out

5/14/02:aww crap again! I just got an E-mail concerning my site(i dont use it any more) it was more concerning all angelfire sites.It said that ALL sites will be limated to 20mb of space Starting doesnt reall affect this site, but later, we might need to purchess more space if this site gets big.(i doubt it, but who knows)just wanted to notify everyone who has an angelfire site, that if you have over 20mb used then you will have to earse your site or get angelfire you like the scrolling message?

5/13/02:aww crap! the pics didnt work! well, i will be tryin to figure out how to do pics.too bad the another manager quit too....oh well.I may put up a fake codes page to make you laugh at the incedibly stupid ones.
maybe I will try to put up or atleast start a codes page with real codes,it will be hard though, so dont count on it!

5/9/2002: Nyaaaaa! Mr. Newbie site manager, don't you dare try to type in my color! Your font color will be Black until you decide on a more appropriate one. Now, I will try to organize this site more. I'll desperately try to get part 3a up by this weekend. And yes, Tom, you can make all those pages you asked about.

5/7/2002: what up people, this is tom again.As u hav noticed, i have put up some pics and edited a few things.So far this is fun!peace out *_*

5/6/2002: Hey all you people out there. this is the new manager, tom.This isnt my real name but i dont like givin my name out.I'll just say im good friends with s1x.if you want to know more about me, E-mail .It's a werid name, but... dont ask.

4/9/2002: I'm debating with myself whether or not I should include a GBA page or not. Or maybe an SNES page. I'll think about it later. I got done with one school project, and I just was noted of another one...

4/8/2002: If you didn't know already, S1x RPG: The Story is now active. Hooray! Only RPG members would really understand it, though...

4/1/2002: Nah, I'm saving the big April Fools Trick for next year. Added a bonus to my Gamecube page, "How to destroy your Gamecube". Look at it, even if you don't want to destroy it.

3/16/2002: Melee review done! Now it's time for strategy guides! Yipeee!
