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Chapter 99

It felt like they'd just gone to sleep when Richie's watch alarm went off.  His arm was under Jesse so he had to reach over her to cut it off.  "Baby, time to get up," he breathed against her skin.

"Mmmk," she mumbled scooting closer to him.

Richie hugged her tight placing kisses along her neck.  "We could get a shower together."

"How long before we HAVE to be on the road?" she asked sleepily.

"I only gave us thirty minutes to get out of here so you could sleep as long as possible."

"We'd better skip the shower together then."

"Why's that?" he asked curiously.

"I wanna take my time making love to you and thirty minutes just isn't long enough."

Richie smiled, "i promise, we'll have all afternoon for that.  Go on, get your shower while I shave and get your stuff together."

"Rich, you said no technology...."

"Just your cell phone and laptop....I don't want you connected to the world."

"Good.  I want pictures because I have a feeling this is going to be a really wonderful weekend.  How long are we going to be at the next place?"

"The rest of the weekend.  We'll head on to Woodbridge Sunday night...maybe Monday morning, spend the night with Mama, and meet Dave in the city Monday night for the show."

"How long are we going to stay with your mom?"

"We'll probably stay the rest of the week.  Jon wants to get in the studio and put down some tracks," answered Richie as they got up.

"Cool, I get to see you guys working."

"You've seen use working at the concerts and you've seen Jon and me working on songs together."

"Yeah, but it's not the same.  I've never seen a CD put you actually record the song."

Richie shook his head, "You're going to be bored."

"Maybe, but I'll be with you," purred Jesse as she met him at the bathroom door.  She put her hands on his bare chest as she reached up to kiss him.  "I won't take long."

Richie smiled as he watched her slip the teddie she'd been wearing off, then step into the shower.

It didn't take the couple long to get ready and they were on the road to their next destination.

Chapter 100        Index