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Chapter 94

As the group headed to town, Richie's cell phone ran and he handed it to Jesse to answer.  It was Tony and they talked for a couple minutes.

"Seems word has gotten out that you guys are involved in this hearing.  The entire block is packed with fans.  Tony has made arrangements with the deputies to get us in through where they bring in the prisoners," explained Jesse.

"Is there a way to there without having to go by the fans?" asked Richie.

"Turn like you're going to the ballpark.  The entrance Tony is talking about is right across from the driveway for the ballpark."

Jesse leaned her head back and closed her eyes.  Richie reached over and took her hand in his.  "Hold it together, baby."

"He's turning this into a circus," she whispered.  "Stevie's never had to deal with a huge crowd like this."

"Did you really think he wouldn't?" asked David.

"I was hoping he wouldn't.  He's been in this world and knows what fans can be like."

As Richie approached the back of the courthouse, some fans on the side spotted them and rushed the vehicle.  Deputies were able to stop the surge and Richie pulled into the garage.  With the gate closed behind them, the group climbed out and was escorted upstairs to the courtroom.

The courtroom was empty and the deputy explained, "We're keeping the hearing closed to the public."

"Thanks Cedric," said Jesse.

Jack began setting up for the hearing and the group found seats, Richie sitting as close to Jesse as he could get.

A minute later, the doors opened and everyone could hear the fans outside.  Ashley and Carly rushed in with Billy and the deputies closed the doors.

"Oh my god," exclaimed Ashley as she sat beside Richie.  "It's CRAZY out there."

"Did you see Stevie anywhere?" asked Jesse turning to her best friend.

"It looked like Kevin parking in front of the courthouse when we came in but there were so many fans out there," said Carly.  "They're really crazy."

"I'm sure," frowned Jesse.

Richie reached across to take her hand.  "They're here to see us.  Kevin won't have any problems getting in with Stevie."

Jesse played with his fingers as she said, "I hope you're right."

A few minutes later, the doors opened and Kevin's attorney led the group inside.  Jesse's heart was in her throat seeing Stevie in Kevin's arms, his face buried in Kevin's neck.  She could tell he was crying and she wanted to go to him.

Richie squeezed her hand.  "Go talk to him, baby."

Jack looked over at Kevin and back at Jesse.  "Go on.  We have all these deputies around and his should be okay."

"Come with me, please?" asked Jesse looking into Richie's eyes.

"Right beside you."

With Richie's hand in hers, Jesse made her way over to where Kevin stood with Stevie in his arms.  "Is everything okay?"

"No, the crowd scared him.  Smooth move letting it out that Bon Jovi is in town and is here."

"It wasn't me," Jesse countered defensively.  She reached out to rub Stevie's back as she said, "Baby, I know those people scared you.."

As Jesse touched him, the little boy cringed.  "STOP IT!" he cried.

Jesse pulled back and looked up at Richie.  "Stevie, it's just your mom and me.  No one is going to hurt you."

"I don't care.  Go away!"

Jesse stepped back into Richie's arms, completely in shock that Stevie was reacting this way.  "What have you done to turn him against me?  I just talked to him last night!"

Kevin shook his head, "I didn't say anything to him.  Give it time, Jesse.  That crowd really shook him up."

"I'm sure it did but..."

"Come on, Jess," coaxed Richie gently.  "It looks like the judge is about ready."

Richie led her back to their placed and knelt down in front of her as she sat in her chair.  Caressing her cheek, he said, "He's just scared, baby."

"But...I've always been able to fix it for him," she said tearfully.

Richie took her face in his hands.  "Jessica, he knows you love him and soon, you'll be able to sooth all of his fears again."

Deputy Macklin came over to speak to them.  "Jess, Judge Saunders is ready to start."

"Judge Saunders?" questioned Jesse wiping her tears.  "Tom Saunders?"

"That's him."

"Jess?" questioned Richie.

"Tom Saunders was one of my dad's closest friends.  They went to school together, partied together, and he delivered Daddy's eulogy.  This is good."

"A break we need," agreed Jack.

"Plus, it was HIS parents that my mom left me with when she took off."

"See, I told you to hold on the faith," said Tico who had been listening.

The deputies came in and the bailiff announced, "All rise for his honor, Judge Thomas Saunders."

The judge entered and when he was seated, he said, "You can be seated.  I must say, I'm rather disappointed that this simple custody case has turned into a circus."

The hearing began and for the next two hours, she listened to Kevin's attorney tear her apart.  He painted the picture of Jesse being a groupie who would do anything to be with the band.  He tore apart the last three weeks and Richie's past from his divorce to his DUIs and child endangerment charges to his stint in rehab.  Jack did his best to fix the damage but with each incident, Jesse felt her faith slipping away again.

Finally, everything had been presented and Judge Saunders said, "I'd like to talk to Stevie alone in my chambers.  Then, I'll examine all of the evidence presented and make my decision.  We'll recess until one."

The judge stood and two deputies gathered Stevie.  Everyone watched as he looked back at Kevin first before leaving with Judge Saunders.

When it was clear, Jesse turned to Richie who took her in his arms and silent tears fell.  "Shh, baby," he whispered as he stroked her hair.

The others gathered around the couple, each offering their reassuring words.

"I can't believe he's asking to be reimbursed for part of the child support," commented Ashley.  "It's not like Jesse uses it for herself or even asked for it in the FIRST place."

"I do," said Jack.  "He sees Jesse joining Richie on the road, all the trips, the hotel rooms, etc..  He's making it look like Jesse has used that money for her own purposes and not for Stevie.  Mr. Olsen goes for the jugular."

"You know him?" asked David.

"By reputation only.  I've never had to go against him and I swear, if we have to appeal this, I WILL be more prepared for the mud slinging."

"Jess, can you afford to reimburse Kevin if you have to?" asked Alejandra with concern.

Jesse wiped her tears.  "Yeah, I set aside half of every check he sent and put it into an account that would build so Stevie would have it for his future."

"Smart thinking," commended Tico.

"Let's go grab some lunch," suggested Jon.

"How are we going to go to lunch with that crowd?" asked Ashley.

"Same way we always do...Tony and Billy.  We'll just have to sign some autographs as we go which isn't a problem."

Jesse spoke up, "I want to wait around until Stevie comes back.'

"I'm waiting with her," said Richie.

Everyone looked at each other and silently agreed...they would all wait.

Almost half an hour later, a deputy came to the door.  "Jessica, I need you for a minute."

Jesse looked at Richie who could see past the deputy.  He looked down at her with a smile.  "Go on.  I'll be here when you're done."

The guys watched Jesse leave and Tico asked, "What's that all about?"

"Stevie was standing behind the deputy, where Kevin and his attorney couldn't see."

In the outer offices, Stevie was waiting for Jesse and as soon as she was through the door, he was in her arms.


"I love you so much, Mama!  I'm sorry I was mean to you."

"It's okay, baby.  You were scared and I understand."

"I had to talk to the judge."

"Did you mind your manners?"

From behind him, Judge Saunders said, "He was the perfect little gentleman.  You've done a find job with him, Jess."

"I hope so."

"I promise, I will consider it all and I want you to know, I don't believe the picture Mr. Olsen tried to paint."

"Thank you."

"Take a few minutes with your son.  You can use my office."

"Can Pop come too?"

"Sure.  The deputy will get him."

A couple minutes later, Richie joined Stevie and Jesse in the judge's office where they sat and talked.  The couple reassured Stevie of their love no matter what the decision was and explained what could possibly happen.

Chapter 95        Index