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Chapter 87

"I can't believe you bought a freakin' Excursion," exclaimed Jesse as Richie drove out of the dealership parking lot.

"Why not?  I mean, I DO have a hummer in LA that you drove."

"Yeah, so why do we need this?"

"To have enough room, baby."

"But it's so damned big."

Richie laughed, "I can't help it if you're short."

"Oh gee thanks!" she said sarcastically and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I got something you can do with that tongue," he growled sexily.

Jesse leaned to him to kiss him on the cheek and that's when she saw the clock - 10:45 AM.  "Crap!  Is that clock right?"

"It had better be after what I paid for this thing.  Why?"

"I was supposed to be at Kevin's at eleven with Stevie's baseball stuff."  Jesse pulled out her phone and dialed.  "Hey...I'm running late....I can get Ashley to bring it to you....what do you want me to do then?...I'm sorry, Kevin. We were out buying a new SUV....Yeah, Stevie knows where his stuff is....Tico, Jon, Dave, Jack, and my brothers are at the house....I'll let them know you're coming....Kevin, I really am sorry.  I'll see you at the game....Yes, I'll get him some lunch....Bye."

Richie reached over to rub her neck as he drove.  "Was he very mad?"

"No.  What did Ashley do to him to make him dislike her so much?"

Richie chuckled, "She called him an asshole the other night when he came to get Stevie."

"Oh wonderful," she groaned.

"Are you okay?"

"No!  I'm not okay.  I shouldn't have to be worrying about who I'm dating or that I'm running late or whether or that I drank too much!" she said, the frustration plain in her voice.

Richie remained silent as he drove knowing she was right.  He kept his hand on her though, massaging gently.  Occasionally he would glance over to see her wipe a tear away.

Half an hour later, Richie pulled into the driveway and they both saw Kevin's vehicle.

"Asshole," she mumbled.  "He couldn't wait and now he's going to use this against me."

"Just remember to be nice, Jess."

"As sweet as sugar."

Putting the truck in park, he leaned to her to give her a kiss.  "You taste that sweet.  Need me to help you down?"

"Cute!" she sassed making a face at him.  "Real cute."

"Nah, you're more than cute," he smirked touching the tip of her nose with his finger.  "Stay put."

"Yes dear."

Richie got out and circled the front of the vehicle.  Opening the door for her, he took her by the waist and helped her out.  He leaned over to kiss her then took her hand and they headed inside where they found Kevin and Stevie getting ready to leave.

"Mama!" and Stevie went to her hugging her around the waist.

"Hey Little Man!" greeted Jesse as she kissed the top of his head.  "Good morning, Kevin."

"Good morning!  You're up early for a Saturday."

"Richie wanted to get a new SUV for me."

"Can we talk, alone?"

Jesse looked up at Richie who shook his head 'no' but she ignored it.  "Wait here," she said.  Then to Kevin, "Let's go out on the front porch."

"Stevie, go wait in the car," instructed Kevin.

"He can wait in here," said Tico.

Jesse looked at Kevin.  "You know, they are all fathers too."

Kevin conceded and followed Jesse to the front porch where the two sat down on the steps sitting side by side.  "What happened?  You said you were going to come by."

"I lost track of time.  I'm really sorry."

Kevin looked sideways at her, "Jess, I really don't want to take Stevie away from you."

"Then WHY are you doing this?"

"I don't want to see you get hurt, Jesse.  Richie is always gone; he is known to mess around with a lot of women; and he's been in rehab....not to mention he's twice your age."

"Kevin, if I get hurt, its MY choice.  I can't keep hiding because I might get hurt.  What would you do if I'd met someone local that had a job that kept him away and he was known to mess with a lot of women and had a drinking problem.  What would you do then?"

"I'd be just as worried."

"But you wouldn't ever know.  The only reason you know all these things about Richie is because of who he is!    Again, I ask you....are you truly concerned about me or are you jealous because you want me too?"

Kevin remained silent not looking at her.

"Kevin, I can't be the other woman...waiting for you to squeeze me in between commitments to Kris.  Call me selfish but I want to be the man's FIRST priority over his children."

"It wouldn't be like that, Jesse.  I'll give you more each month financially so you won't have to work and I'll pick you up on my insurance.  I'll visit once a month."

"You don't get it, Kevin.  Stevie should be just as important to you as Mason!"

Kevin hung his head.  "Did you ever love me?"

"With all my heart," she answered leaning against him.  "Kevin, I want to be friends with you...I want us to get along."

Kevin reached over to take her hand in his and laced his fingers with hers.  "How about friends with benefits?"

Jesse shook her head.  "No, Kevin.  I am in love with Richie and I'm not going to be unfaithful to him."

With his free hand, Kevin reached over and lifted her chin until their lips met but Jesse reacted quickly pushing him away.

"Stop, Kevin!  I'm serious!  I'm not going to cheat on Richie!"

From behind them, Tico spoke up, "I think you need to leave...NOW."

Jesse jumped up as soon as Kevin let go of her hand. 

Kevin stood too.  "I'm leaving."

"Are you going to drop the custody issue?"

"I'll think about it."  Passing Tico, he said, "You can tell Sambora she stopped me."

The door closed behind him and Jesse asked, "Where is Richie?"

"With Stevie in the back.  Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine but Richie's going to be pissed," answered Jesse.

"Pissed about what?" asked Richie as he stepped out onto the porch.

"Kevin tried to kiss me."

"But she pulled away," added Tico to try and keep Richie calm.

It didn't work. Richie started to go back into the house, to go after Kevin, but Jesse grabbed him by the arm.  "Please don't!"

"I didn't want you alone with him in the first place and you knew it," he said angrily.

"I THOUGHT I could convince him to back off!  Are you made because he tried to kiss me or because I ignored the fact that you didn't want me alone?"

"I'm mad because he can use whatever you said against you, Jessica.  Are you TRYING to lose your son?"

"Yeah, Richard!  That's exactly what I'm trying to do!" countered Jesse angrily.

"Whoa!  You two need to back down," said Tico.  "Richie, Jesse was just trying to make Kevin see that the only reason he knows about her love life is because you're famous.  She didn't say or do anything he could use against her."

"Were you listening?" questioned Jesse.

"For your sake, yes, I was.  Richie, if you let Kevin get to you and cause problems between the two of you, he wins."  The couple stood staring at each other so Tico said, "I'm going to leave you two alone.  Work this out!"

The door closed behind Tico and simultaneously, they said, "I'm sorry."

Richie moved to her and held his hand for her to take.  When she did, he placed a kiss on the back.  "Jess, I worry about you being with him alone.  He's already hurt you really bad six years ago and now..."

"I know," she said with her head tucked.

"He's playing with your emotions."  Reaching up, he caressed her cheek.  "You still care about him and he's using that."

"I'll always have feelings for him," answered Jesse putting her hand on his.  "He was my first and he's Stevie's father but YOU have my heart.  Richie, I just want my son back and I don't want Kevin dictating anything in my who I can be with."

Richie shook his head, "Just promise me you'll be careful when you're alone with him."

"I'm not going to be alone with him again.  I asked him if we could at least be friends and he wants to be friends with benefits.  I'm not about to give him another chance to kiss me....or anything else."

"Thank you."

"Come on.  We need to get Stevie's lunch."

"First things first.  He tried to kiss you."

"But I pushed him away."

"Will you push me away?" he smirked.

"I don't know.  Why don't you try to kiss me?"

Leaning in, Richie's lips covered hers, caressing them into submission.  His fingers tangled in her hair and when she gasped, he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping in to steal her breath.

Breaking the kiss, he smiled, "I didn't think so.  I love you, Jess."

Chapter 88        Index