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Chapter 85

Dinner was being prepared and everyone was doing their own thing.  Frankie, Jon, and Richie were outside grilling steaks while Tico and Jesse were inside working on stuff in the kitchen.  Jack had found a quiet corner to do some work on Jesse's custody case and David and Dakota were on the computer looking at keyboards. 

"Tico, can I ask a favor?"


"If Kevin should win all this and takes Stevie away from me, would you give me away?"

"I'd be honored but that's not going to happen.  You've got to have faith."

Jesse gave a tired, sad smile.  "I have faith in Richie...and you and Jon and Jack and Dave....I just don't have faith in Kevin.  When he wants something, he doesn't stop until he gets it."

Tico took a swallow of his beer as he watched her.  "He wants you."

"And if he can't get me, he'll settle for a part of me...Stevie."

"Is he going to get you?"

"No way in hell...but I can't control what happens with Stevie."  Jesse stopped what she was doing and looked at Tico.  "There was a time when I would have given anything to be with Kevin.  In a way, I loved him more than I love Richie."

"What changed?"

"I got pregnant and grew up.  I was in love with the beautiful boy band image - clean cut...the kind you want to bring home to meet Dad...wholesome, good, do the right thing, marry the girl before you have sex."  Jesse took a swallow of her beer.  "I was so naive.  He kept telling me that he loved me, that he'd leave Kris so we could be together.  When I woke up, he was gone and there was no note.  For almost three months, I held on to the thought that he was filing for divorce and trying to keep his distance so it would go easier for him.  When I saw him finally, he was cordial...polite, but no acknowledgement of what had taken place the last time he'd seen me.  It was as if I was just another fan.  When I told him I was pregnant, he was cool but he gave me his phone number and said he'd be in touch."

"How did you get tickets backstage?"

" has always been Howie who left me the passes from the very first time I met them."

"Why didn't he use protection?"

"He was drunk and I'm Catholic."

"Oh wow!  I didn't know you were Catholic.  So...have you and Richie had sex?"

Jesse smiled, "Yes, Dad, we have and it was everything I'd ever imagined.  He was a gentleman in every possible way and we DIDN'T have sex the first time around.  I'd always dreamed of my first time....being romantic and the guy being so attentive and waking up in his arms the next morning.  I had that Richie."

Tico smiled, "You know, your eyes sparkle when you talk about Richie...and there's a glow about you."

Jesse blushed, "Being with him is what I've always dreamed of and I don't have to deal with all the bullshit of guys my age.  He's already sown his oats and knows what he wants."

Richie had slipped inside while they were talking and put his arms around her from behind giving her a kiss on the cheek.  "Talking about me again?"

"Yes," she answered as she turned her head to kiss him.  "Steaks almost ready?"

"Just need a plate to put them on."

"On the counter," she said pointing to the plate.

Richie walked her to the counter and held her as he leaned to her ear.  "Are you okay?"

"Mmm, for now, yes."

"How am I going to distract you tonight?"

"I'm sure you can think of something."

"Hmm, how about I start at your forehead..." He placed a kiss on her temple..."and work my way to your cute little toes with stops along the way."

Jesse felt the heat rising in her cheeks.  "Sounds like a plan."

"HEY...get back to the steaks before you burn them, Sambora," growled Tico.

"Okay!  Okay! Dad...oh!" shot Richie laughing.  "I should have known all those years ago that I'd end up with you as an in-law!" he mumbled as he grabbed the plate.

The door closed behind him and Jesse sighed.

Tico laughed, "Guess it's official."

"What's that?"

"If I can't have you as a daughter-in-law, I get you as a daughter," smirked Tico as she moved to hug him.

"You DO remind me a lot of my dad.  You two would have gotten along really well."

"I'm honored to be there for you, 'Outlaw'...that you think of me like your father."

The others came back inside and it was a free-for-all as everyone got their dinner.  Conversation over dinner was lively as they all shared stories about growing up.  Afterwards, Dave and Dakota cleaned the kitchen while Richie went to get his guitar.  They all gathered in the den and the guys did some songs together.

As the night wound down, Jesse grew quiet and an occasional yawn escaped.

"Why don't you go to bed, sweetheart?" suggested Tico putting his hand on her leg as she leaned against Richie.

Richie looked down at her.  "Baby?"

"I'm not okay," she whispered.  "He should have been here hear you guys."

Richie hugged her as Jack said, "Be patient.  I'm going to get him back to you and Richie as quickly as possible."

"Go get ready for bed.  I'll be there in a few minutes," urged Richie.

"'Nite guys!"

"Nite sis!"  "Nite, Outlaw!" chorused the others as Jesse got up and headed to bed.

Chapter 86        Index