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Chapter 84

The afternoon had been a busy one.  Jack had jumped right on the custody case and Jesse and Richie had gone with him to the courthouse to file their own custody suit.  They were trying to beat Kevin to the punch.  Jesse had also used her connections in town to find out where Kevin was temporarily living.

Looking at Richie's watch as they walked to the car, she saw that it was well after three and Stevie was out of school.  "Richie, I want to see Stevie."

"Okay, but I'm with you and Richardson isn't going to let you near him."

"I'm not going without you either."

"Why don't you call instead?"

Jack spoke up, "He should agree if I'm with you.  Jesse, if you want to go by, then let's go."

Settled in the car, Jesse pointed out the way to the house and Richie followed her directions.  As they parked off to the side, Jesse saw the rental SUV in the driveway and in back, a huge swing set like the one Richie had bought for Stevie.  There was also a bid and baseball equipment in the yard.

Under her breath, she mumbled, "Asshole."

Both men heard her and smiled at each other but Jack said sternly, "Don't give him anything he can use against you."

"I'll be the model Southern belle," she simpered, batting her eyes.

Richie laughed out loud.  "Richardson's in trouble!"

From the back yard, Stevie spotted the threesome.  Excitedly, as he began running to her, "MAMA!"

Jesse stopped and caught her son in her arms.  Hugging him tight, she said, "How's my big boy?"

"Better now that you're here!  Do you feel better? Are you going to take me home?"

Jesse looked at Richie who put his hand on the little boy's back.  "Not just yet, buddy, but soon. And your mom feels much better now."

"Did you go to school today?" asked Jesse.

"Of course he went to school," answered Kevin as he joined them.  "I'm not stupid."

"Hey, Kevin," greeted Jesse not showing the slightest trace of anger.  "I'd like you to mean Jackson Carmichael, m y attorney."

"You can call me Jack," greeted the attorney as he shook hands with Kevin.  "Nice to meet you."

"Do you mind if I visit with Stevie?" asked Jesse.

"Go ahead but Sambora needs to stay with the car," said Kevin as he cut his eyes at Richie.

Jesse looked up at Richie who nodded for her to go ahead.

Stevie spoke up, "I want to show Pop my room too."

"It's okay, Stevie.  Take your mom to see your room.  I want to talk to your dad anyway," said Richie.

Jesse smiled and whispered, "Play nice."

"Always," and he tousled Stevie's hair.  Jesse set Stevie down and he grabbed her hand to pull her to the house.  When the two were inside, Richie turned his attention back to Kevin.  "Don't worry about filing for custody."

"Have you decided to do the right thing?"

"Jack filed a custody suit on Jesse's behalf and I've filed my own petition for adoption."

"I thought you were clean of drugs," snarked Kevin.  "I guess not."

"Richie, let's go wait at the car," suggested Jack seeing the rocker clinch his jaw muscles..

"No, I'll wait here with Mr. Richardson to keep him company."

The two men stood staring at each other in angry silence.

Twenty minutes later, Jesse and Stevie returned and Stevie ran to Richie who scooped him p.  "Pop, are you coming to my came tomorrow?"

"Of course I'm going to be there.  How would you like it if Tico came too?"

"I'd LOVE it!" exclaimed the little boy.  Turning back to his father, he said, "Uncle Tico is teaching me how to play drums."

"Kevin, I have Stevie's baseball stuff and uniform at the house  Do you want me to drop it off before the game?" asked Jesse.

"I'd appreciate it."

"Mama, can you please stay for dinner with us?" pleaded Stevie.

"Not tonight, sweetheart, but how about I bring you lunch from McDonald's tomorrow after your game?"

"Cool!  See you tomorrow, Pop!"

Richie set Stevie down and after giving his mother a kiss, he took off to play on the swing set.

Kevin looked at Jesse.  "Why don't you stay for dinner?  I can run you home and Stevie missed you."

Jesse wanted desperately to tell him that Stevie shouldn't have to miss her, that he should be with her but she bit her tongue to say sweetly, "I would love to but I have company at the house."

"So they stayed?"

"They want to see Stevie's game."

"Should be interesting at the ballpark.  Hope they have security with them."

"It won't be a problem.  Not many people will be down there and no one expects Bon Jovi to be in Lawrenceville, Virginia.  I'll stop by around eleven with Stevie's things."

"See you in the morning."

Kevin watched Jesse head to the car with Richie's arm around her.  He watched as Richie opened the door for her and she climbed in after giving him a quick peck.  Kevin wanted to go to her now, take her in his arms, and tell her he loved her but he loved his wife too and he knew how Jesse felt about being the 'other' woman.  Why couldn't he just be happy for her?  She'd found someone who truly loved her and put her first.  All he was doing was pushing her further away...being the ass Ashley said he was.  Now, they had called his bluff and he now stood to lose her AND his son.

In the car, Jack said, "That was really good.  Now, Jesse, you and Richie need to be at every event Stevie's involved in while you're on break.  You also need to be at Ava's.  We need to paint you both in the best light devoted parents."

"I've already checked with Heather and Ava doesn't have anything until AFTER you leave for Europe.  She did say that she'd bring Ava to me to go to Stevie's pre-school graduation and she could go with me to London," said Jesse.

"When did you call Heather?" asked Richie with surprise.

"While you and Jack were in the courthouse and I went to find out where Kevin was living."

"Thank you," said Richie as he took her hand.  "Now, is there a car dealership nearby?"

"There are half an hour that way and one half an hour in the opposite direction.  Why?"

"We're going shopping for a new vehicle...something big enough for all of us."

"Richie, we're not going to be around enough to justify a new vehicle."

"Getting one anyway so stop arguing with me.  You're NOT going to win this one."

Jesse looked at him and shook her head.  Taking his hand, she said, "Richie, I'm worried.  Why is Kevin doing this?  Why am I being punished for FINALLY getting on with my life?"

"Kevin loves you, Jess, and he wants you but I'm in the way.  I'm a threat to him in every aspect....Stevie looks to me as a father-figure; I'm willing to be a father despite what the press will say; and you love me.  There was a good sign today though."


Jack spoke up, "Kevin let you see Stevie despite the fact Richie was with you."

"But he wouldn't let us be alone with Stevie...just me."

"Small steps, baby.  We also called his bluff.  He expected you to beg him to drop the custody issue," said Richie.  "My guess is, he's trying to get you to be with his mistress."

"He knows that I can't stand being the 'other' woman," she said softly as she put her head on Richie's shoulder.   Her thoughts were of Kevin.  She had loved him so much and despite the fact he hadn't been around to help with Stevie, she'd still had feelings for him.  She wanted to be able to get along with him, to be friends, to share Stevie with him.  Why did he have to do this?

Chapter 85        Index