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Chapter 82

Jesse rolled over and felt like there were jackhammers going in her head.  "Oh god," she groaned.

Richie chuckled, "What's wrong, baby?"

"Don't scream," she pleaded trying to bury her head.

Softly, he said, "I'm not screaming," and he moved to wrap her in his arms.

Putting her hands on his arms, she said, "I should have listened to you."

"You were hurting and you were alone."  Richie pulled her tighter and placed a kiss on her neck.  "I promise, I will fix this mess."

Jesse opened her eyes only to realize they were in her room.  "Richie, why are we here?  I thought we were going to spend the weekend in Charlotte."

Richie hesitated before saying, "Something came up and we had to come back."

Jesse heard the hesitation but a wave of nausea washed over her and she scrambled out of bed.  Rushing to the bathroom, she barely made it as she began to get sick.

Richie followed her but was met by Tico who was prepared for this.  He had a cool, damp cloth that he placed on her forehead as he pulled her hair back.

Looking at Richie, he said, "I made a batch of Bloody Marys for her.  Go pour one for her."

"!" she groaned and began to heave again.

Tico continued to hold Jesse's head until she felt like she couldn't throw up any more and leaned back into his arms. 

"Better?" he asked.

"Define better."

"Are you going to throw up again?"

"No, I don't think so.   What are you doing here?"

"Taking care of you."

"Richie could have done this."  She put her hand on his and closed her eyes.  "Tico, I know something's wrong.  Please, tell me what is going on?"

"Sweetheart, our first priority is you.  Let's get you feeling better where you can keep some food down and then we'll talk."

Richie came back and saw the look on Jesse's face.  He needed to make her smile so doing his 'Uncle Richie' voice and hunching over like Quasimodo, he said, "Master, I have the potion."

Jesse giggled but it turned into a wince.  "Oh, don' hurts to laugh."

"Drink pretty lady," he continued in his 'Uncle Richie' voice as he handed the drink to her.

"Do I really have to?  I have my own hang-over remedy."

"Humor me," said Tico.  "Drink up!"

"Okay, but then I'm doing MY cure."

"What's that?" asked Richie as he helped her up.

"A shower...alternating between hot and cold."

"Want company?" leered Richie.

"If you can take the changing from hot to cold."

"That's MY cue to leave," said Tico as Richie nodded 'yes' with a smirk.  "I'll see you two in a little while."

Tico gave Jesse a kiss on the cheek and left the couple alone in the bathroom.

Richie reached behind him and closed the door.  "Drink up," he instructed as he put his hands on her waist.

"Hair of the dog?"

"Sort of.  The tomato juice and celery have the vitamins your body needs."  Richie watched as Jesse drank some of it and laughed as she made a face.  "What's wrong?"

"I've NEVER really liked tomato juice.  Daddy use to always fix Bloody Marys for his hang-overs and tried to get me to drink them too."

"That's why you agreed to drink it for Tico," smiled Richie.

"Yeah."  She finished the drink and handed the glass back to him.  "I need to get some clothes before I get a shower."

"I'll get them for you.  Go on and get a shower."

"Thought you were going to take a shower with me."

Richie reached out to brush her hair back.  "You don't feel up to it.  Go on and get your shower while I get you some clothes and make sure you have some lunch."

Jesse looked up into his eyes to see the emotions playing out and knew something really serious had happened.  She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his sides.  "Richie, whatever it is that you're holding back, I'll be okay as long as I have you to lean on."

To himself, he thought, "I just hope you don't blame me for this mess."  He took her hands in his and kissed the back of them.

Chapter 83        Index