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Chapter 8

With the show over, Tony escorted the girls backstage where the guys were talking to each other about the show. 

“What did you think of the show?” asked Tico as Jesse and Ashley joined them. 

“Awesome as always,” said Jesse as Richie put his arm around her. 

“It was my FIRST show and it was beyond belief!” beamed Ashley hoarsely. 

“WOW!  You lost your Bon Jovi virginity,” teased Dave. 

“How many times have you seen us?” asked Jon to Jesse. 

“Ummm, I’ve been to at least two shows every tour since the ‘Slippery When Wet’ tour except for the ‘Lost Highway’ tour…my dad had the wreck that killed him on his way home from your show and I didn’t go to the second show that we had tickets to. 

“Oh wow!  I’m sorry to hear that,” said Jon and the others expressed their condolences. 

“He died happy because he got to see you guys and he was riding his motorcycle,” said Jesse as she leaned her head against Richie’s shoulder and put her hand on his stomach as he hugged her tighter pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

Tony spoke up, “Boss, the car is waiting to take the outlaw to the helicopter.” 

“What’s up?” asked Tico. 

“Let me go grab my bag and we’ll go,” said Richie. 

As Richie rushed off, Jesse explain, “My son is sick and Richie said he’d get me home so I could see the show.” 

“How far away do you live?” asked Jon. 

“Three hours.” 

“So you aren’t really getting home any faster.” 


“When are we going to see you again?” asked Dave. 

“Outlaw Lady is coming to the Charlotte show,” said Tony. 

Jon shook his head hearing Tony.  “You don’t pick on my son like that.” 

“That’s because your son isn’t as gorgeous as the Outlaw Lady.” 

Everyone laughed, said good-bye, wished her a safe trip, and headed to get ready to leave.  The girls waited where they were and talked. 

“Ashley, are you sure you’re okay driving home alone?” 

“I’m not going to be alone.  Tony is riding with me and one of the other guys is following.  Are you ready to say good-bye to Richie?” 

“Honestly, no!” 

“That’s a good thing,” said Tony. 

“Why do you say that?” asked Jesse. 

“Because he’s going with you.  He just told you he was going to grab his bag.” 


Ashley nudged her, “You weren’t prepared for that, were you?” 

“No, but its okay.”  Seeing Richie returning, she said, “Means I get some real ‘alone’ time with him.  I just hope the house isn’t a complete disaster.” 

“Won’t matter, he won’t be looking at the house anyway,” mumbled Tony. 

Jessed glared at the bodyguard and stuck her tongue out at him. 

Tony stuck his tongue out at her too and Richie scolded, “Hey…play nice, you two!” 

“Being nice, Boss.  Are you ready?” 

“Yeah.  I’ll see you in a few hours.  Take care of Ashley.” 

“Not a problem.  You take care of the Outlaw Lady…..don’t let her steal anything else besides your heart.” 

“Get going, Tony,” scowled Richie as he took Jesse’s hand. 

Jesse tossed her keys to Ashley.  “There’s money in the ashtray to pay for gas.” 

“Don’t worry about it, Jess.  We’ll see you in the morning.” 

Richie led Jesse to the waiting car, opened the door for her, and got in behind her.  He tapped the driver and said, “We’re ready to go.” 

Fortunately, the car they were in had tinted windows so that when they pulled out through the waiting fans, no one could really see Jesse with Richie but she could hear the screams of girls waiting.   

As they moved through the streets, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed.  “Hey, how is he?.....That’s good….Yeah, I’m on my way.  Ashley will be later in the morning with my car.  I’ll text you when we’re close.” 

“How was he?” 

“His fever is down and he’s not throwing up any more.” 

“That’s good.” 

“Richie, how long are you going to stay?” 

“However long you need me,” he smiled. 

Jesse leaned back into the seat, closed her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief.  She would never admit it but she was tired of always being responsible.  She missed her father, her rock, her best friend.  He’d been by her side for the first year of Stevie’s life, even in the delivery room when he was born.  She appreciated all that her friends did to help but it wasn’t….What wasn’t it?  It wasn’t Stevie’s father or hers…it wasn’t a man’s arms holding her and reassuring her that it would be okay.  It wasn’t sweet nothings being whispered in her ear or simple touches to let her know he was there too. 

Richie reached over and fingered her hair.  He saw the tear slide down her cheek and asked, “Are you okay?” 

She opened her eyes and looked up at him.  “I will be.” 

“When was the last time you slept?” 

“Mmmm, I worked the eight to eight shift and I slept between my shifts.” 

“You’re exhausted.” 

“Adrenalin is keeping me going right now and knowing that Stevie is going to need me.” 

“But the adrenalin is wearing off, isn’t it?” 

“Some.  Having you here with me…thank you,” she whispered fighting back the tears. 

Richie smiled, “When you crash, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to wake you.  What do you have to do for the next couple of days?” 

“Nothing except take care of Stevie and get groceries.” 

Richie nodded to acknowledge her as the car pulled up to the waiting helicopter.  He reached across her and opened the door as he said, “Keep your head down.” 

The couple exited the car, Richie carrying his bag in one hand and Jesse’s hand in the other, as they rushed to the waiting helicopter.  Once they were in and settled, the pilot took off. 

“We’ll be there in about 45 minutes,” announced the pilot.

Chapter 9        Index