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Chapter 79

The guys came off the stage, sweaty, tired, but happy.  They were laughing and joking about the show and giving Richie a hard time about Jesse 'laying' her hands on him.  They were all glad to have a break for a couple weeks and even talked about what they were going to do.

"What are you and 'Outlaw' going to do this weekend?" asked Dave.

"We're hanging out here in Charlotte to spend some time with her brothers and Stevie."

"Where is 'Outlaw' anyway?" asked Tico looking around for her.  "I figured with the way she was messing with you she'd be waiting for you to get off the stage."

Richie frowned when he saw she wasn't even in the hall waiting for him.  "She's probably in the dressing room...I'm hoping asleep."

"What's wrong?" asked Jon.

"She'd been drinking when she was on stage with me.  I have the feeling she went back to have another drink.....or two."

"Did she talk to Kevin?" asked Tico.

"Not that I know of.  She left him a voice mail to call her back.  I just hope he didn't call while we were on stage," answered Richie as he followed Jon into the dressing room.

"I'd say it was more like a bottle," said Jon seeing the empty bottle on the floor beside Jesse.

The other three looked to where Jon pointed to Jesse on the couch and Richie moved to her immediately while Tico looked around for her phone.  That's when he spotted the other empty bottle and a glass.

"Looks like she finished off two bottles," said Tico as he moved to the bar.  That's when he spotted her phone too.  "Richie, her phone is over here."

"Check her recent calls," instructed Richie as he brushed Jesse's hair back. 

"He called....about an hour ago and they talked for a few minutes," answered Tico as he moved back to Richie and handed him the phone.

"Damnit!" Richie took the phone and set it on the table. 

"What are you going to do?" asked Jon as he moved back to Richie.  He'd gone to get a cool, damp washcloth for him and handed it to Richie.

As he wiped her face off, Richie said, "Get cleaned up and take her back to the hotel."

"Uh, Rich....are you going to leave her here....on the couch?" asked Dave.

"She's not going to come to any time soon," said Tico.

"I'm going to tell Tony to get her brothers and Stevie back to the hotel," said Richie.  "Stevie doesn't need to see her like this."

In the hall, Richie found Tony and Ashley talking.  They talked for a couple of minutes and Tony gave Richie the keys to Jesse's car.

As Richie started to go back, Ashley caught him by the arm.  "Richie, what's going on?"

"Nothing.  Why?"

"Where's Jess?"

"In the dressing room."

"Come on, Richie.  I've known Jesse since we were five years old and she's my best friend.  I KNOW something's wrong.  She was drunk when she was on stage with you."

Richie looked at Ashley for a long minute, then said, "Kevin is trying to take Stevie away from her and right now, she's passed out on the couch.  She talked to him earlier, after my solo."

"That bastard!" hissed Ashley.  "Doesn't he know he can't win?"

"Ashley, he can win and that's what has her so scared.  He supported Stevie and Jesse from the time she told him she was pregnant and with what's happened lately, it's not good for Jesse."

"Oh my god!  Richie, if she loses Stevie, she's going to be devastated."

"I'm going to do everything in my power to keep that from happening, Ashley."

"I know you will.  Do you need me to do anything?"

"Just keep your mouth shut and look out for her and Stevie.  I have to leave for London before she can go with me and I'm sure Richardson is going to take advantage of that."

"You know I will.  I'll see you guys Sunday."

Richie gave her a kiss on the cheek, then went back in to get cleaned up.  He checked on Jesse first and she was still passed out on the couch. 

Tico was already finished changing and came over.  "You need to get her back to the hotel as quietly as possible.  This is something Kevin can use against her."

"I've already thought about that but they talked tonight and I'm sure he figured out she was drunk."

"I'm hanging around tonight.  Want me to stay with you?"

"I just need your help getting her back to the hotel."

"No problem."

"I'm going to get a shower."

"I'll stay here with her."

Chapter 80        Index