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Chapter 76

The guys were doing soundchecks in Charlotte when Tony arrived with the 'crew' - Stevie, Frankie, Dakota, Ashley, and Carly.  Jesse was waiting for them backstage and as soon as Stevie saw her, he ran into her arms.

"Oh my god!  You have grown two inches since Sunday!  What has Tony been feeding you?"

"NOT junk food," shot Stevie pinning Tony with a glare.

"Good for Tony," laughed Jesse.  Looking at her brothers, she asked, "How are you liking being in Virginia?"

"Loving it," said Frankie as he gave his sister a kiss.

"So far, it's been really good.  Everyone at school is really nice and they have a chorus....but I haven't been able to find a keyboard to play yet."

"Richie and I will fix that when we get home.  Do you want to listen to them practicing?"

"YES!" chorused Stevie and Dakota.

"Come on!  They're doing soundchecks and I'm sure Dave would let you play some when they're done."

"Mama, I wanna see Tico," announced Stevie as they made their way out to where the fans were watching.

Richie spotted them first and gave Jesse a smile.  He knew how excited she was to see Stevie.

Taking a seat, Jesse held Stevie in her lap.  She tried to get him to wave to Richie but the little boy completely ignored him looking away every time Richie made eye-contact.  Pointing out Tico on the drums, Jesse wondered why Stevie didn't want to wave to Richie but dismissed it knowing that Tico had been showing Stevie how to play the drums.

"Mama, can I go up there with Uncle 'T'?"

"Not just yet.  They're in the middle of soundchecks."

William was standing nearby and heard Stevie.  "Come on 'Little Outlaw'.  I'll take you over to where you can sit closer to Tico."

"Mind William," instructed Jesse.

"Yes ma'am."

Jesse watched as the head of security took her son and made his way around to the back of the stage.  When they were out of sight, she turned her attention back to Richie.  He hadn't been able to sleep the night before and had taken a few drinks too many on top of the pain pills.  Now, he was paying for it with a hang-over and was wearing sunglasses.

Tony and Ashley had joined them and he leaned to her now.  "Rough night?"

"Mmm, you could say that.  His shoulder was bothering him."

"Did he give you any problems?"

Jesse shook his head 'no'.

The song ended and Richie moved to the stool where he took a sip of the drink.  He looked down at Jesse in time to see Tony whispering into her ear.

"He's drinking now, isn't he?"

Jesse's eyes met Richie's and she saw the look on his face.  "What if he is?  He's a big boy now and can make his own choices."

"He's an alcoholic, Jessica!" hissed Tony.  "If you don't stop him, he WILL go back to his old ways."

Tears were stinging her eyes as she got up to leave. Richie motioned for her to join him onstage and she made her way up to him.  Working around the guitar, Jesse put her arms around his waist and he wrapped an arm around her.

"What did Tony say to upset you?" he asked quietly.

"He was questioning me about your drinking."

"I need to change guitars.  Come with me."  Richie led Jesse to where his guitars were set up and after setting the one he had down, he wrapped her in his arms.  "I'm sorry, Jess.  Tony was with me through the worst of it and he's worried about me."

"Do I need to be worried?"

"No, but if I do drink more than you're comfortable with, tell me."

"I'm not going to be the kind of wife that nags you or tells you what you can and can't do, Richie.  You're a grown man, you can make your own choices.  If your drinking ever affects our relationship or hurts Stevie, I'll say something...but only once.  The next time, I will leave."

"I promise, it won't be a problem for us," reassured Richie as he gave Jesse a kiss.  "Where's the rugrat?"

"William took him up with Tico."

Richie smiled, "We're going to have to get him a drum kit."

Jesse shook her head thinking about Stevie ignoring Richie.  Mumbling, she said, "I wish he'd learn more about his step-father's guitars."

Richie chuckled, "Come on.  You can sit on the stool with me."

Jesse tried to protest but he had her hand in his and pulled her back out onto the stage.  They were finished making changes and Jon had answered some questions for the fans so they were ready to do the next song.  Jesse took a seat on the stool, Richie's drink in her hand and that's where she stayed for the rest of soundchecks.

Chapter 77        Index