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Chapter 59

Jesse had her head on Richie's shoulder as they lay in bed talking before they started their day.  "Do you think I should fly back to Virginia with Frankie and Dakota?"

"Why are they going to Virginia?"

"Where else are they going to go?  Dakota needs a home and to be in school."

"Jesse, you haven't seen your brother in twenty years and you just met Dakota.  Do you really think you should have them living at your place?"

"Richie, I went from only having Stevie to having my brother back and finding out I have another brother and a sister.  I want to get to know them."

Richie heard the conviction and determination in her voice so he said, "Let Tony take them back after tonight's show and we'll spend some time with them after the Charlotte show.  Frankie can get Dakota enrolled in the same school with Stevie.  I'll pay the tuition."

There was a knock on the bedroom door and Jesse said, "It's probably Stevie."

"Come on in," called Richie.

Stevie stuck his head in, "Mama?  Pop?"

"Hey, baby boy," greeted Jesse.

The boy hesitated at the door until Richie said, "Come on, it's okay," and he scurried across the room jumping on the bed.

"Where were you yesterday, Mama?"

Jesse looked at Richie who said, "Didn't I tell you?  She was looking for a wedding dress."

Stevie's eyes grew big.  "A wedding dress?  For YOU?"

"Yes, for me.  Richie asked me to marry him and I said 'yes'."

"WOOHOO!" cheered Stevie bouncing on the bed.

Jesse and Richie laughed as Richie said, "Think you could give your mom away?"

Seeing Stevie's confusion, Jesse explained, "It's just a saying.  You would have to walk me down the aisle and place my hand in Richie's.  Usually a father does it."

"I can do that."

"It means you'll have to wear a tux," warned Jesse.

"That's okay.  Will Daddy be there?"

Jesse looked at Richie again.  "Richie and I haven't talked about a guest list yet but if you want him there, I guess we can include him."

"Why don't you go get your bathing suit on and we'll go to the beach after breakfast," suggested Richie.

"Okie dokie," and Stevie scrambled down after giving them both a hug.

Alone, Jesse said, "I'm sorry, Richie but..."

"It's okay, baby.  I don't mind."  Richie reached out to caress her cheek.  "Your eyes are so bright.  I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"I'm happy, Richie...happier than I've been in a long time."

With his fingers in her hair, Richie leaned to her to kiss her slowly, savoring her taste.  When he broke the kiss, he said, "I understand being happy.  After my divorce, I never imagined falling in love again.  You walked into my life and I knew I was the luckiest man alive.  I have been blessed with two loves in one lifetime and I swear, I will do all that's in my power not to screw it up."

"I'm not going to let you either," smiled Jesse.  "Now, what about the beach?  I don't have a suit....or do I?"

"You do," he smiled.  "Jon picked it out for you."

"You two did A LOT of shopping yesterday."

"I had to keep my mind off of you."

"And Jon helped?"

"He likes you, Jess...he was just looking out for me.  Come on, let's get dressed."

The couple got ready for their day; a trip to the beach first.  In the outer room, Frankie, Dakota, Carly, Ashley, and Stevie were waiting for them.

"Where are Tony and Billy?" asked Richie.

"Making arrangements to get back to Virginia," replied Ashley.  "They said they'd meet us for breakfast."

"Everyone's meeting in about fifteen minutes in the hotel's restaurant," added Carly.

"Before we go," started Jesse.  "I wanted to tell you and Carly something."

"That tall, dark, and gorgeous proposed?" teased Ashley.  "Yeah, we already know."

"With the rest of the world," added Carly.  "And we thought we were your best friends."

Jesse knew they were joking.  "Uh huh, well, I DO have to consider Richie's privacy now too.  I can't just be spreading news like that.  You two might call the tabloids!"

Everyone laughed and Richie said, "I think she was in too much shock after I proposed to think about calling anyone."

"I'm sure," replied Ashley.

"Let's go," said Richie.  Nudging Jesse, he said, "Someone's stomach is rumbling loud enough to wake the dead."

Jesse blushed as everyone laughed.  The small group left for breakfast talking happily.  Stevie told Jesse and Richie all about his week with Kevin while the others got to know each other.

Chapter 60        Index