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Chapter 57

"Hey, beautiful," greeted Jon as he came off the stage.  He had just introduced Richie for his solo and was getting a drink of water.

"Hey, Jon," greeted Jesse as she handed him the towel beside her.

"You look like you feel better."

"Much better.  I think I used up all the hot water trying to scrub the crud off me."  Jesse peeked out to watch Richie.  "I love hearing him sing."

"He's almost as good as me," smirked Jon.

Jesse looked at him and said, "He's better...and doesn't suffer from LSD."

Jon laughed, "True on that part!  Why don't you go out there with him?"

"Are you CRAZY?"

"No!  You should go...when he does the chorus!  The fans would eat it up and I know he'd love it."

Jesse grinned as she heard where Richie was in the song.  She looked at Jon again who nodded and she made her way out on the stage as Richie started into the chorus.  When she reached him, she put her hands on his butt and giggled when she heard him miss the next line.

Her touch startled him and he missed the line but recovered quickly as he looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend.  She started to leave but he managed to catch her without missing a chord and got her to stay with him for the rest of the song.

With the song over and the light off of Richie, he wrapped his arm around her and led her to his guitar area.  He handed his guitar off to the tech waiting and pulled Jesse to him.  "I can't believe you came out there with me....AND grabbed my ass."

"Jon told me I should do it.  Besides, you've got a cute butt."

"I'm glad you did.  Come back with me for the next song."

"NO!  Once was enough."

"Come on, Jess!  I want to introduce you and you'll love the next song."  Richie kissed her, holding her close.  His fingers found their way to her face and tangled in her hair.  Breaking the kiss, he smiled, "Nice earrings!"

"My fiancé has really good taste and is trying to spoil me!!"

"You deserve to be spoiled!"

On stage, Jon had finished his song and was talking to the crowd.  "Did you like seeing someone lay their hands on Richie?"

The crowd cheered their approval.

"Richie, please don't embarrass me," pleaded Jesse as he took the guitar handed to him.

"I just want to introduce you."

Jon was still talking to the crowd as Richie held his hand out.  She placed hers in his and they walked out together.  The spotlight hit the couple and a thunderous cheer rocked the venue.

"I'd like you to meet my very beautiful fiancée, Jesse James," Richie introduced.

"Outlaw extraordinaire!" cracked Jon. "She rode in and stole the show from you, Richie!"

"The only thing she stole was my heart," shot Richie as he put his arm around Jesse.

"Um...guys," said Jesse using Richie's mic.  "Aren't you supposed to be doing a song or something now?"

Dave spoke up, "Jon, Richie...the outlaw is right."

"Okay, okay," conceded Jon.  "Jesse, there's a stool over there for you beside Richie."

"Uh...NO!  I'm NOT staying out here!"

"Yeah, you are," said Richie as he quickly wrapped his arms around her putting his guitar in front of her and re-hooking the strap so that he had her between him and his guitar and he would have to reach around her to play.  "I've got you and I'm not letting you go."

"This song is for you, Jesse, from Richie," smiled Jon.

Whispering in her ear, Richie said, "I'll be there for you," and he began to play.

Chapter 58        Index