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Chapter 51

Jesse heard a key in the lock so she wiped her tears and sat up.  A second later, her brother stepped in carrying a tray of food.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Not really.  What did she use on me?”

“Probably chloroform but it wasn’t Mama,” said Frank as he set the tray down on the bed.  “She could never pull it off.  It was probably her latest boyfriend.”

“So…you don’t know what’s going on?”

Frank hung his head, “I know why and I tried to talk her out of it.”

“Can you sit and talk to me while I eat?”

Frank hesitated looking towards the door as if their mother would come through at any moment.  “I….I’m not supposed to hang around you for very long….but I’ve missed you so much, Pa…” seeing his sister frown, he stopped and corrected himself.  “Jesse.  I wish she’d left me with you and Daddy when she left.”

“I’ve missed you too.  Tell me about Mama.  She looks horrible.”

“After she left Daddy to be with Jason, he dumped her.  Ever since then there’s been a string of guys. We have another brother and sister.”

“Where are they now?”

“Our sister is with her father.  Mama didn't want her....she did her like she did you....but our brother is at school right now.  He has no clue about you or what’s going on.  He’s only thirteen.”

“Why has she kidnapped me and where am I?”

“We’re in Florida….Fernandina Beach…and she kidnapped you because she’s in debt….drugs and gambling.  Does Daddy have that kind of money….a hundred thousand dollars?”

Jesse wanted to trust her brother but she wasn’t sure.  She knew that Tony would call Richie and he’d do whatever needed to be done to rescue her.  “Yes.  I take it her debts are being called in.”

Frankie nodded his head ‘yes’.  “Jesse, I’m sorry she did this to you but I’m really glad to see you.”

Jesse smiled, “The only good thing about all of this.  What time is it?”

“Around nine in the morning.  They had just gotten here with you right before I came in to see you.”

“How did they get me here?  I was in New York when they grabbed me.”

“Flew you here.  Mama has a pilot friend who flew them up and back.”

Florida….Richie was in Tampa so if she could just get away from her mother, she could get to him quickly.  He’d be able to protect her once he knew what was going on.  God, what he must be thinking.  “Frankie, I need my phone.  It’s in my pocketbook.  Do you think you could get it?”

“I can try.  If Mama is gone, I can get it and bring it to you.”

“Thanks, Frankie.”

Chapter 52            Index