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Chapter 49

The last thing Jesse remembered was someone grabbing her from behind and everything going black.  Now, as she began to come to, she was very aware of the pain in her head like she’d been drinking for three days straight.

“Relax,” came an unfamiliar male voice.  “Your head probably hurts.”

“It does,” she answered without opening her eyes.  “Where am I?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” said the voice but it wasn’t as close as before.  Then, “Here, some Tylenol and water.”

Reluctantly, Jesse opened her eyes, sat up, and took the water and pills from the owner of the voice.  She quickly downed them and handed the glass back to the guy.  She looked around the dimly-lit room…no windows, small cot, one chair that was occupied by the guy.  Clearly, a basement room.  The guy looked vaguely familiar but her mind was so fuzzy, she couldn’t think straight.  She closed her eyes and lay back down.

“Where’s Richie?” she asked.

“Who’s Richie?”

“My fiancé.”

“I don’t know, Paige.”

PAIGE!  Only one person ever called her by her middle name.  Her eyes flew open and she looked at him.  “Frankie?”

He smiled, “Hey, sis.  Long time no see.”

“What is going on?”

Before he could answer, the door swung open and she ordered him out.  He skulked away, cowering as he passed her afraid she was going to hit him.

Jesse quickly decided that her mother did not need to see her engagement ring but as she tried to turn it over, she realized it wasn't there.  She felt the tears trying to spill over but she fought them as she asked,  “Mama, what’s going on?”

“Glad to see you know who I am, Paige.”

“Of course I remember you.  Where am I?”

“Where your father will never find you until I’m ready for him to find you.”

Jesse realized her mother had no clue that her father was dead but she was stunned as her mother stepped closer.  The woman she remembered as her mother was gone and an old, worn-out hag stood before her.  She was wearing long sleeves but Jesse suspected she’d see tracks.  The hair was unkempt.  Calmly, Jesse asked, “Why are you doing this?”

“Your father destroyed my life and now I’m going to make him pay.”  Her mother stood over her now.  “Give me his number.”

“Give me my cell phone.”

“Don’t you know the damned number?”

“Of course, but he won’t answer unknown numbers.”  Jesse was doing her best to remain calm.  If she could just get her cell phone, she could call Richie and somehow let him know what was going on.  “If I call on my cell phone, he’ll answer.”

“Just give me the damned number,” demanded her mother.


Tina had a cordless phone in her hand so she dialed…then waited.

Jesse held her breath and said a silent prayer that Tony wouldn’t blow it.

“Chris…I have your precious daughter.  If you want her back, you’ll give me a hundred thousand dollars by noon.  I’ll call back in two hours to give you directions.”  Cutting the phone off, she looked at her daughter.  “Don’t even think about escaping.  The door will be locked from the outside.”

“Can I get something to eat?”

“Your brother will bring you breakfast.”

Tina left and Jesse heard her lock the door behind her.  Alone, Jesse lay back down and closed her eyes to try to stop the tears.  She knew Richie was going berserk by now.  “Please, Richie!  I need you to be my Superman now!”

Chapter 50            Index