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Chapter 45

Jesse woke suddenly when she heard voices in the living room of the suite.  She realized Richie wasn’t in bed with her so she got up, pulled on her robe, and went in search of him.

Opening the door, she realized that Tico, Dave, and Jon were there along with two strangers, one with a camera and one with a notebook.  She tried to close the door before anyone saw her but was unsuccessful.

“’Outlaw’!” greeted Tico, the closest to the door.  “When did you get here?”

“Shhh, Tico!!”  Richie turned to see Jesse in the door as she said softly, “About two, I guess.”

Richie moved to her and gave her a kiss.  “Good morning, ‘Sleepyhead’!  How do you feel?”

“Rested but I missed you when I woke up!  What’s going on?”

“We’re doing an interview and then having lunch.  Come on, Jon and Dave want to see you too.”

“Yeah, come on and join us,” coaxed Tico.

“Let me get a shower first.”

“You’re fine, baby,” answered Richie pulling her closer to him.

“You look ravishing,” smiled Tico.

With her head on Richie’s shoulder, she said, “I promise, I won’t take long.”

“We’ll wait to eat when you join us.”

Jesse stood on her toes and gave Richie a kiss then disappeared into the bedroom to get ready.

“She okay?” asked Tico before he and Richie rejoined the others.

“She will be…now that she’s with me.”

On the other side of the room, the report asked, “Who is that with Richie and Tico?”

“She’s not a part of this interview,” cautioned Jon.  “That’s Jesse, Richie’s girlfriend.”

“She’s gorgeous…typical of Richie’s type.  Is she in the business?”

“No, she’s not.”

Richie and Tico rejoined the group and the interview began.  The photographer snapped pictures as they talked catching candid shots of the guys.  The questions were all focused on their music, videos, and the tour.

As the interview ended, Jesse emerged wearing one of the outfits from Richie’s clothing line.  She stood shyly at the door until Jon spotted her and waved her over to join them.

Jesse moved through the room and Richie stood to greet her.

“Jesse, this is Brittany Wright from Rolling Stone magazine,” introduced Jon.

“Hi,” smiled Jesse shyly as Richie wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Do I detect a Southern accent?”


“How in the world did you meet Richie?”

Jesse looked up at Richie questioning him with her eyes as Jon said, “They met at the DC show while Rich was taking in the sites.”

“So, you’re a fan?”

“Ever since birth.  My dad saw them open for KISS and was instantly a fan.”

“Very cool.  Was Richie always your favorite?”

Despite the interview-like exchange, Jesse was relaxing and gave Richie an impish grin as she said, “Actually, Jon has always been my favorite but since he’s married, I settled for Richie.”

That got a raucous roar from the rest of the guys as Richie looked hurt.  “Hey!  Maybe you’d better explain the ta….”

“NO!” snapped Jesse quickly putting her hand over his mouth.  Taking her hand away, she looked at him adoringly as she said, “Yes, Richie has always been my favorite.  I love to watch him play his guitar and all the funny faces he makes when he’s really into the music”

“Gee, Rich….aren’t they the same ones you make when you’re having sex?” teased Dave.

“You’ll never know,” shot Richie as he hugged Jesse tighter.

“Richie also reminds me a lot of my dad and I was extremely close to him.”

“How does your dad feel about you dating someone that’s his age and how old are you?”

“She’s legal, that’s all that matters,” replied Richie cutting the questions off with his cold tone.  “Jesse, go on and get lunch.”

Jesse looked at him quizzically but Tico grabbed her hand.  “Come tell me how Stevie is doing and what he’s been up to?”

“Thanks, Tic,” said Richie quietly.  As soon as Jesse was gone, he turned to the reporter, “NOT ONE word is to be printed about the age-difference.”

“Don’t worry,” spoke Jon.  “I’ve already told her Jesse is off-limits.”

“Are you going to make it public knowledge about your relationship?” asked Brittany.

“If I’m asked, I’ll answer, but that’s it.  I won’t be giving any interviews to announce anything. I want to keep our private life just that...private.”

“I understand,” acknowledged Brittany.

Richie left the two to go join Jesse and Jon said, “He’s extremely protective of her because she’s not in the business.  Come on.  It’s time to eat and we have plenty.”

Brittany smiled as Jon put his hand on her lower back to lead her to the buffet line that had been set up but she was watching Richie with Jesse.  It was quite clear that they were in love.

At the same time, Tico, Jesse, and Richie were getting their lunch.  Tico asked, “What did you stop Richie from saying?”

Jesse blushed as Richie said, “She didn’t want me to mention the tat on her hip that is a smaller version of my guitar and wings except it has my name on it.”

Tico smiled, “Why wouldn’t you want us to know?”

“It’s just….something personal.  I got it because I was a fan of his and now, I’m dating him.  I don’t want it to look like I’m obsessed.”

Richie whispered in her ear, “But you ARE obsessed with me and my sexy body….pressed tight against you.”

Jesse felt like her face was on fire and Tico chuckled having a good idea what Richie had said.  “Don’t worry, Jess,” he reassured.  “No one will think you’re obsessed now…they’ll just think you’re very much in love with him.”

“Which she is,” said Richie.  “What do you want to drink, Jess?”

“Whatever you’re having is fine.  I’m going to sit.  Want me to take your plate for you?”

Lunch was relaxing and Jesse enjoyed talking to the guys.  They quickly made her feel like she was a part of the family.

After lunch, Richie made sure their stuff was loaded to be taken to Tulsa and they headed out to see Dallas.  Richie wanted to take her to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens to see the flowers. 

* * * * * 

As the couple walked hand in hand through the gardens, the lone figure from the lobby followed at a safe distance snapping pictures.

Chapter 46        Index