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Chapter 37

Four o’clock in the morning – he walked in quietly and set his bag down. 

“Hey, boss,” greeted Tony sleepily. 

“What are you doing up?” 

“Meeting you.  How pissed was Jon?” 

“He’ll get over it.  How was she tonight?” 

“She cried herself to sleep.” 

Richie shook his head.  “I’m going to bed.  I have a flight to Dallas at midnight.” 


Grabbing his bag, he headed to Jesse’s bedroom.  He stripped down but before climbing into bed, he closed the door to ensure they had privacy in the morning.  He joined Jesse in bed wrapping her in his arms and kissing her softly.   

Sleepily, she put her hands on his arms.  “Richie?” she whispered, her voice heavy with sleep. 

“Yeah, Jess…it’s me.  Go back to sleep.” 

“I want….to talk.” 

“In the morning.  Go back to sleep.” 

In no time at all, snuggled safely against Richie’s body, his arms holding her tightly, Jesse was asleep again. 

* * * 

Jesse woke to the feel of Richie’s arms around her and she smiled.  She had thought she was dreaming but feeling his arms now, she knew it was real. 

Richie felt her stir.  “Morning, baby.”

“What time did you get here?” 

“Around four.  I have a flight out at midnight but we have today together.” 

“Mmmm, Stevie’s going to be glad to see you.” 

“How glad are you to see me?” 

It hadn’t escaped Jesse’s attention that Richie wasn’t wearing any clothes.  She rolled over to face him and ran her hand across his chest.  “Extremely glad.” 

Richie rolled on top of her and slid into her.  Whispering in her ear, he said, “You ARE glad to see me…you’re so wet.” 

“God, you feel so good in me,” she gasped as she ran her hands across his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him into her. 

Richie slid his hands under her to grasp her shoulders, holding her as he began to thrust into her.  His lips next to her ear, he whispered as he made love to her, “I have missed you, Jesse…I missed the way you feel under me, the feel of your pussy wrapped around my cock, the look in your eyes when you cum…I missed the way you say my name.” 

“Oh god!  Deeper Richie…I’m cumming,” she whimpered as she clutched him. 

“Ah…..fuuuuck,” and he exploded inside her. 

Richie rolled over keeping Jesse in his arms. 

“Why are you here?” asked Jesse as she ran a finger across his eyebrows. 

“I missed you.” 

“I’d hoped you’d surprise me like this but I didn’t really expect it.” 

Richie brushed her hair back.  “Baby, I know its hard being apart but you can’t cry yourself to sleep every night.  What has you so scared?” 

Jesse looked down, her fingers playing with his chest.  “That you won’t come back.” 

“No chance of that, Jessica.  I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.  Hell, I’m the one who should be worried…you’re young and beautiful and hooked up with an old man.” 

Jesse laughed, “My old man.  I’ll get use to you being away from me.” 

“What would take away that fear?” 

“I don’t know.  You’ve already given me the ring and bracelet.  That should have been enough.” 

“New relationship.  You’ll get comfortable soon enough.  What time will Stevie be getting up?” 

As Richie asked, they heard Stevie bounding down the steps calling out, “MAMA!” 

“Uh, now,” she smiled. 

Before the little boy could reach her door, they heard, “Whoa, little outlaw!  No, you don’t.” 

“But I wanna go snuggle with Mama.” 

“Your mom isn’t alone.  Richie came in this morning and he’s probably still asleep.” 

Richie had gotten up, pulled on a pair of shorts, and opened the door.  “Let him come in, Tony.” 

A second later, Stevie rushed in.  “Daddy!” he bubbled as he ran into Richie’s arms.  “Mama didn’t tell me you were coming.” 

“She didn’t know.  I wanted to surprise you both!”  Richie moved back to the bed setting Stevie down as he sat down too.  “Have you been enjoying your break?” 

“Yes sir.  Thank you for all the cool gifts you sent with Mama from California.” 

“You’re welcome.” 

“Are you coming to the ballpark tomorrow?” 

“I’m afraid not, Stevie.  I have a show in Dallas tomorrow so I’m only here for the day.” 

“Oh,” answered Stevie disappointedly.   

“Don’t worry.  Your mom and Tony agreed to record it and are going to send it to me in an email.” 

That seemed to appease the boy and he announced, “I’m going to fix you and Mama breakfast in bed.” 

“We’ll come out,” offered Jesse.


Richie cut him off, “Jess, if he wants to do this, let him.  It’ll give us time to talk.” 

“Get Tony to help you, please.” 

“Yes ma’am,” and he scurried off the bed. 

Alone, Richie asked, “What are you going to do about him calling me ‘Daddy’ if Kevin decides he wants joint custody?” 

“I talked to him yesterday and told him you weren’t his real father but until his real father decided to be a part of his life, he could call you ‘Daddy’.  I also told him you would always be a part of his life, no matter what.” 

“Have you heard from Kevin?” 

Jesse shook her head ‘no’.  “I guess he’ll let me know soon.” 

“If you haven’t heard from him when you join me in Atlanta, I’ll call him,” replied Richie.  “Or get my attorney to call.  If he isn’t going to be a part of Stevie’s life, I want to start the adoption process.” 

“This isn’t an easy decision for him to make, Richie,” defended Jesse weakly. 

“He’s had over five years.  If you ask me, he’s already made the decision.” 

Jesse remained silent because she was starting to see Richie’s side of the argument.   

Richie moved to her and covered her body with his once more.  “What are you thinking?” 

“That you’re right....that I should have told him you were going to adopt Stevie.  There are going to be so many complications to joint custody.”  Putting her hand on his, she said, “But if you adopt him, I won’t be able to travel with you as much.” 

“We’ll work it out, Jess.  Don’t worry about something that isn’t a problem.” 

Jesse smiled as she looked into Richie’s eyes.  They were so soothing and she felt herself falling even deeper.  “I want to wake up like this every morning!” 

“Soon, sweetheart…..very soon.”

Chapter 38       Index