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Chapter 29

Richie had tried his best to find a flight back to Virginia for Saturday night but the earliest he’d been able to find was a red-eye Sunday night.  Jesse didn’t mind but she did call Stevie just the same.

As they drove back to Laguna Beach, Richie asked, “What do you want for dinner?”

“What ‘cha offering?”

“We’re going to have to go out to eat.”


“Nothing at the house.  I don’t keep much at my houses because I’m not there much.”

“I hadn’t really considered that.  Okay, what do we have to pick from?”

“There’s a really good seafood place that I think you’d like but we’d have to go change first.”

“That’s not an option then.  I really don’t feel like dressing up.”

“How do you feel about Mexican food?”

“Never tried it but I’m up for something new.”

“There’s ‘The Coyote Grill’ then.  It’s casual and serves Mexican and has a killer view of the ocean.”

“Sounds good.”

“’The Coyote Grill’ it is then.”

“Richie, after we eat, can we go by a grocery store to do some shopping?”


“Well…we’ve got twenty-four hours….alone.  I really don’t want to waste it by having to go out to eat.”

Richie squeezed her hand, “I like that.  I get to spend a Sunday in bed with my beautiful girlfriend.  I can spoil you even more.”

“Nuh uh!  It’s my turn to do for you.  You’ve been doing so much for me ever since we met.”

“Promise me something.”


“Don’t do too much.”

“I promise.”

Twenty minutes later, Richie pulled into the restaurant's parking lot.  Inside, they were seated immediately at THE best table on the patio because the manager had recognized Richie.  Their drink and appetizer order was taken before they were left alone.

“Richie, the view is amazing,” gushed Jesse when they were alone.”

“Definitely,” agreed Richie but he wasn’t looking at the same thing.

“Ri…chieeee….you aren’t even looking at the ocean.”

“I know.  I’m looking at something better,” he smiled as he reached across the table to take her hand.  “When we get back, let’s walk on the beach.”

“I’d love that.”  Jesse looked out across the scene towards the beach.  “Why do you love the water and beach so much?”

Richie shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know.   I guess it’s because I got more than enough of the cold weather growing up in Jersey.  Plus, there’s something relaxing about the ocean sounds…not to mention the view of all the sexy bodies in skimpy suits.”

The gleam in his eyes told her he was playing with her.  “You’re going to have to take me to a beach so I can show off my bathing suit.”

“We’ll be in Florida together.  Maybe you can show me then…or I can take you to Hawaii in May.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“What about you?”

“I like the beach too but I also like the mountains.  One of the most romantic things I can think of is snuggling up in front of a fireplace while it’s snowing outside.”

“Nothing but the fire for light and big, furry blankets and pillows.”

“Guitar music playing.”

“Champagne, strawberries, and making love.”

Jesse looked at his hand holding hers as she said, “Sounds perfect but how can we….”

“My place in Philly has a fireplace with a good view of the city.  Next winter, maybe for Christmas, we can go up.”

“I’d love that, Richie.”

“When’s your birthday?”

“Already passed….March 16th.  The ticket to your show was Ashley’s gift to me.”

“I wish I’d known.  I could have sung ‘Happy Birthday’ to you.”

Jesse shook her head ‘no’.  “I’m glad you didn’t.”

Richie took her other hand in his.  “Jess, I know Stevie has to finish school but I want you to live with me.”

“Where?  You’ve got what…three places?”

“Four but it doesn’t matter.  Quit work and come with me.”


“Think about it, baby, please.  You don’t have to give me an answer right away.”

“I need to know something…if we get married, will you make me sign a pre-nup?”

Richie felt his heart stop and he let go of her hands. A wave of nausea swept over him like the ocean waves they had been watching.  Nervously, he asked, “Will it make a difference whether we’re together or not?”

“I don’t know.  Richie, I’m not after your money.  I love you and I love your music.”

“I will have to have you sign one.  My attorney isn’t going to let me do anything without it but I promise, it will be written to take care of you if anything should happen to us as a couple.”

Jesse looked into his eyes to see the fear and she reached over to take his hand again.  At the same time, she used her other hand to caress his face; she touched his eyebrows, ran her finger down his cheek.  “I have never wanted to be with a man more than I want to be with you, Richie.  I don’t have to think about it…I’ll call Monday and give my notice.”

Richie leaned to her, his lips covering hers, caressing them tenderly into submission.  Their tongues touched, dancing slowly.  It was a slow, passionate kiss.

Breaking away, Richie sat back and reached into his jeans’ pocket.  Taking her hand, he slipped a ring on her finger.  “For you…my promise.”

“Oh!” she gasped looking at the ring.  It was a simple silver band with ‘Faith’ and ‘Love’ engraved on it.  “It’s gorgeous, Richie!”

“Like you.”

“When did you go shopping?”

“While you were sleeping yesterday.”

“What am I going to do to surprise you?  You’ve got everything!”

“Not everything!  There is one thing you can do to surprise me…when you’re ready.”

“Another child?”

“I’ve always wanted more than one and well…now, with you, I get a second chance at love and a family.”

Jesse felt her insides turn to mush and a tear slipped out.  As he wiped it away, she said, “I never imagined being swept away like this.  I’m afraid that I’m going to wake up and this is all going to have been a dream.”

“I promise, it’s not a dream, Jessica.”

The waitress returned with their drinks and appetizers and the couple moved to allow her to set the stuff down but Richie held on to Jesse’s hand.

“Are you ready to order?” asked the waitress.

“I am.”

Jesse picked up the menu as she said, “I have no clue what to get.”

“Trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Let me order for you,” and Richie told the waitress what they wanted.

The rest of dinner was more of the same…the couple talking, sharing their dreams and making plans for their future.

Chapter 30        Index