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Chapter 24

By the time they’d ordered their drinks, Jesse had relaxed completely.  Heather had broken the ice by telling her about HER first encounter with the celebrity scene and how awkward she had been.  By the time they’d finished their appetizers, no one would have known Jesse and Heather had just met.

Richie was relieved to see Jesse having such a good time.  He kept her close, a hand on her back, playing with her hair, or just simply holding her hand.

Before their dinner arrived, Jesse excused herself to go to the restroom.  When she was gone, Heather said, “Richie, she is absolutely wonderful and you don’t have to worry about Ava.  She’s going to adore Jesse.”

“Thank you.  I need to give you a heads up.  Jesse has a son, Stevie, which I intend to adopt.  There’s a lot I can’t tell you right now but I need you to understand and explain to Ava.”

“You must have a good reason for doing this.”

“Besides wanting to give them both the world, his father is an ass.”

“Have you told her you love her?”

Richie took a sip of his drink and didn’t look at Heather. “No, but she knows.”

“Don’t be scared.  She’s not like the others you’ve dated and she obviously loves your music.”

“You loved it too.”

“Richie, you’re older now and you have learned from our mistakes.  I do worry about you.  You need to settle down, try and start a new family.  Jesse is perfect for you.”

Movement across the restaurant caught Richie’s attention and he looked to see Kevin, a blonde, and another couple being escorted to a table…a table that Jesse would have to pass on her way back.  “Damnit!”

“What’s wrong?”

“That guy, over there,” Richie motioned in the direction of the two couples.  “THAT is Stevie’s father…the one who doesn’t claim him because he doesn’t want to ruin his clean-cut image.  He took advantage of Jesse being a fan and having a crush on him.  He called tonight, before we came in, and he wants to see her.”

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t want her facing him alone and she has to come by their table.”

“Want me to go check on her?”

“Would you please?”

Chapter 25       Index