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Chapter 17

The alarm went off bright and early – 6:30 AM.  Richie reached over to cut it off and Jesse mumbled in her sleep.  Laying so that he was partially covering her body, he brushed her hair back and placed a kiss on her lips. 

“Time to wake up, baby.” 

Hoarsely, she said, “I don’t wanna!” 

Richie’s concerns came flooding back hearing her.  He reached up to feel her forehead.  “You feel like you have a fever.  I’m going to go get you some Tylenol and a glass of juice.” 

Jesse nodded her acknowledgement, her throat too soar to want to talk. 

Richie got up, pulled on his jeans, and headed out to get the stuff for Jesse.  He passed through the playroom to find Tony asleep, his arms wrapped around Ashley.  At the same time, he heard Stevie moving around upstairs. 

He hit Tony’s foot, “Roll out, Tony.  Stevie’s up and he doesn’t need to see you with Ashley.” 

“I’m up, boss and she’s dressed.  All we did was sleep,” he answered groggily.  Stumbling out of the bed, he asked, “Where’s the outlaw?” 

“In bed…she’s not feeling well.  Go start breakfast for everyone while I get her something for the fever.” 

“On it.” 

“Uncle Tony!” beamed the little boy. 

“Hey, ‘buddy’.  Ready for something to eat?” 

“Yes sir, but are you fixing it?” 

“Looks like it.” 

Looking up at Richie, he asked, “Where’s Mama?” 

“In bed, not feeling well.” 

“Does her throat hurt?” 

“Yeah, how did you know?” 

“It’s been bothering her for a while now.” 

“Really?  How long?” 

The little boy shrugged his shoulders, “Dunno.  She says she doesn’t need to go to the doctor because she’s too busy.” 

“Hmmph…that’s what SHE thinks.  Go with Tony and get some breakfast.” 

“Yes sir.” 

Richie went to the bathroom and found the Tylenol.  Then he went to the kitchen to get the juice.  Back in the bedroom, he found her dozing again.  He set the stuff on the table by the bed and sat down beside her.    “Sweetheart, come on…sit up.” 

Jesse grumbled but sat up leaning against the headboard. 

Richie handed her the pills and juice as he asked, “Where’s your doctor?” 

“In town.” 

“Get up, get your shower, and get dressed.  I’m taking you to see him this morning.” 

“What about Stevie’s pizza party?” 

“Don’t YOU worry about it.” 

“Richie, I’m okay…just the pollen or something.” 

“For a WHILE now?  I don’t think so.  Stevie said you won’t go to the doctor either.” 

Jesse blushed.  “I haven’t had time.” 

“You have the time now.  I’m going to make sure Stevie is ready for school and get him on the bus.  What time does the doctor’s office open?” 


Looking at the clock, he said, “Sleep a little longer and I’ll wake you in time to get ready.” 

Sliding back into the covers, she mumbled, “Good, because I really don’t feel like getting up.” 

Richie shook his head.  Jesse being sick wasn’t good and he’d have to change his plans.  He had no intentions of leaving her alone. 

Grabbing a shirt, Richie pulled it on and went out to check on Stevie.  He found Ashley up this time. 

“Tony said Jesse was sick,” said Ashley. 

“Sore throat and a fever,” said Richie as he poured a cup of coffee. 

“I personally think she has mono.  She’s got all the symptoms.” 

Tony looked alarmed, “Richie, the last thing YOU need is to get mono.” 

“Don’t worry.  We haven’t done anything and I’m taking her to the doctor this morning after I get Stevie on the bus.” 

“What are your plans?” asked Billy who had joined them. 

“Depends on what the doctor says.  I may cancel my trip to LA and stay here with her.” 

Jesse had gotten up and heard him.  Putting her arms around him, she said, hoarsely, “You need to go to LA and see Ava.” 

“We’ll talk about it later.  Go get your shower, baby,” insisted Richie putting his hands on hers. 

With Jesse in the bathroom, Richie got some breakfast and sat down with Stevie. 

“Daddy, are you and Mama still coming for lunch?” 

That stopped everyone at the table but Richie answered, “I promised you, Stevie, and I won’t break that promise.  Your mom may not be there though.  It depends on how she feels.” 

“I hope Mama is okay.  She was so excited last night about going to LA with you.” 

“I know, buddy, but don’t worry.  If she can’t come this time, there will be other times and you’ll be able to come with us too.” 

“Rich, I’ll stay with her if she can’t go with you,” said Tony.  “I can catch up with you in St. Paul.” 

“Thanks, Tony, but I’m not leaving her if she’s sick.” 

Ashley, Tony, and Billy all looked at each other hearing the tone of Richie’s voice but it was Stevie who touched all their hearts.  “Don’t worry, Daddy…Mama’s gonna be just fine!  She’s got you AND me now to take care of her.” 

Richie smiled at Stevie and tousled his hair.  “You’ve got that right, buddy!  Now, go brush your teeth.” 

“Why don’t you go check on her?”  suggested Ashley. 

Without responding, Richie set his coffee cup down and headed to the bedroom.

“WOW!  That didn’t take long,” said Ashley.  “And what’s up with Stevie calling Richie ‘Daddy’?” 

Tony said softly, “I’ll explain later.” 

In the bedroom, Richie found Jess in front of her lingerie dresser.  With the drawer open, he watched as she reached up and slipped the straps of her gown off and it fell to the floor leaving her completely naked.  He took in the beautiful woman before him….the lean, muscular legs that led to the round buttocks and her hour-glass shape. 

“Absolutely perfect,” he praised. 

Looking over her shoulder, she asked, “How long have you been standing there?” 

“Not long,” he replied shutting the door and moving to stand behind her putting his hands on her waist.  Looking over her shoulder, he saw a mixture of under garments – some lacy and sexy and some sensible.  Leaning to her ear, he whispered, “Wear the black lace.” 

Reaching in, she picked up the black lace bra and matching thong.  Slipping them on, she turned to him and put her hands on his chest.  “Its been a while since I’ve worn stuff like this.” 

“You need to throw all that other stuff away.” 

Jesse laughed, “I don’t think so.  I might need it when I get pregnant.” 

“I like the sound of that.” 

Jesse blushed realizing what she’d said and tucked her head.  “I meant in the future…when….you probably don’t want any more children.” 

“With you, yes.  At least one more, maybe two.” 

Hearing the bus in the yard, Jesse said, “Go get Stevie on the bus while I finish getting dressed.” 

Richie gave her a quick kiss and as he left the room, he closed the door back behind him.

Chapter 18       Index