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Chapter 15

As Jesse and Richie entered the school office, several students stopped to stare.  They had recognized him immediately. 

“Miss James, how are you today?” greeted Mrs. Wray. 

“I’m fine.  I need to see Stevie’s teacher, Mrs. Ferguson.” 

“She’s in her room.  Here are two badges for you.” 

Handing one to Richie, Jesse said, “I also need to make some changes to Stevie’s emergency forms.” 

Mrs.  Wray went to the file cabinet, searched for the papers, and pulled them out.  She handed them to Jesse who stood at the desk adding Tony, Billy, and Richie.  She handed them back to Mrs. Wray when she was done.   

“Thank you,” and she led Richie towards Stevie’s classroom. 

In the office, Mrs. Wray looked at the forms.  Father – Richie Sambora  “Oh my god,” she breathed and looked in the direction the couple had gone in time to see Richie put his hand on Jesse’s back. 

“What’s up, Mrs. Wray?” asked Timmy overhearing the secretary. 

“Did you see who Miss James had with her?” 

“Wasn’t that Richie Sambora…of Bon Jovi?” 

“Yes, it was and she listed him as Stevie’s father.” 

“You’re kidding?!” 

In the classroom, Jesse knocked as she entered the room and the first person she saw was Stevie sitting in his desk, tears streaming down his cheeks.  He sniffled as he wrote.  Jesse glanced at the board to see ‘I must not tell lies’ written on the board. 

“Mrs. Ferguson, WHAT is going on?” questioned Jesse, her voice simmering with anger.

The young teacher looked up, startled, “Miss James?!” 

“Why is my son crying and WHY is he writing?” This time it was a demand and there was no doubt that she was angry.

Richie had gone to Stevie immediately and now had him in his arms. 

“I was going to call you about this.  Stevie told everyone that his father is Richie Sambora and that he was here spending time with the two of you.” 

“And you immediately assumed he was lying?  Has my son been known to tell lies before?” 

“No ma’am, and I apologize….” 

“I’m not the one you need to apologize to.”  Turning to Richie, Jesse reached up to wipe Stevie’s tears as she asked, “Where is Stevie supposed to be right now?” 


“Do you want Richie to walk out with you?” 

“No ma’am.” 

“Go on then.  Richie and I are going to talk to Mrs. Ferguson.” 

“Can I ride home with you?” he whimpered.

“Of course.” 

Stevie gave Richie a hug before being set down and the adults watched him leave. 

Jesse wheeled on the teacher.  “Mrs. Ferguson, it seems you haven’t called me on a couple of problems relating to my son.  I had to hear through Richie that he’s being called a bastard.  I think that’s something I should have heard about immediately.” 

Mrs. Ferguson blushed, “You’re right.” 

"Jess, calm down," he soothed quietly.  Richie put his hands on Jesse’s shoulders to calm her down.  “It’s over and done.  Let’s address the current issue.” 

“Richie is Stevie’s father and I have put his name on all of the forms on file.  I’m still the primary contact but if Richie calls and asks about his progress, you can give him the information.  Also, Tony Parrish and Billy Mallard have permission to pick Stevie up in addition to Ashley Thomas and Carly Wright.” 

“Not a problem.” 

“Tomorrow, I’d like to bring pizzas for the class as well as buy ice cream,” said Richie. 

“I’ll send a note home to the parents to let them know not to send lunch tomorrow.  Is there anything else?” 

“Please, just put that Stevie’s parents are providing lunch.  We don’t want to cause any unnecessary problems with people coming up here to see Richie.  This is for Stevie.” 

“I understand,” acknowledged the teacher.   

“Stevie will be missing some days in the future.  Is there going to be a problem getting him caught up?” asked Richie. 

“None, but he does need to be here the first week of May.  We’ll be testing that week.” 

“Not a problem,” assured Jesse.  Turing to Richie, “I’m going to get him.” 

“I’ll get him,” insisted Mrs. Ferguson and she rushed out of the room. 

Alone, Richie smiled, “What prompted you to go ahead and tell her I was his father?” 

“She pissed me off assuming that Stevie was lying.  How could she know for sure? His name IS Richard Stephen and I’ve NEVER revealed anything about his father.  You don’t mind, do you?” 

“No,” he smirked putting his hands on her waist.  He pulled her close to kiss her and said,  “Now to make it official.” 

Stevie rushed into the room and went immediately to his desk to get his backpack.  “I’m ready to go, Mama!!” 

“Why the rush?” asked Jesse as Richie wrapped his arm around her shoulder. 

“I want to see what Uncle Billy and Uncle Tony have for me.” 

Jesse looked up at Richie, “Do you know what’s going on?” 

“Yes, I do and you’ll have to be surprised with Stevie.” 

“Let’s go then,” said Jesse as Stevie took Richie’s hand and started to pull him out of the door. 

Together, the three headed out stopping at the office to drop off the badges and to sign Stevie out.  Richie was approached by several students and a couple teachers for autographs which he gladly gave before heading home with his new family.

Chapter 16            Index